Don't Lick Me (That's What Weird Kids Do)

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Requested by Whovian0499


"Stop clearing your throat it's so distracting." Stiles snaps, and Derek turns his head to look at him from where he was looking at a book and he clears his throat louder just be annoying. Stiles hisses at him, it's kind of funny but Derek's too annoyed to laugh at him, and he rolls his eyes at him while he goes to the spell book he's trying to translate. Of all the weeks for Lydia to be out of town, Derek thinks in annoyance as he flips the page a bit ferociously. "Stop! You'll rip it!" Stiles hisses again, and Derek huffs at him.

"Do you need a snack or some shit? Because you're being awfully bitchy." Derek snaps, and Stiles seems a little surprised by that. Derek doesn't raise his voice at him, or at least he hasn't in a while, and Stiles grimaces at him before he turns away and sighs. Derek feels the need to apologize but maybe not since Stiles apologizes first.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't be rude to you when we're working together to figure this out. It's just frustrating." Stiles says, and Derek nods his head as he goes back to reading in silence. "But I could use something to eat." Stiles adds on, and Derek chuckles as he nods his head as he opens Stiles' laptop to order them a pizza. "You could pay as a way to accept my apology." Stiles teases, his eyes twinkling as he looks at him. Derek chuckles as he looks at him and he nods his head as he digs into his wallet for his credit card to use. "I love you, you're the best." Stiles tells his boyfriend.

They're looking for information on a witch, it's always witches Derek thinks bitterly, that has been kidnapping people. Derek's not sure what they're doing with them, Stiles is positive that the witch is eating or sacrificing them to some old fashioned god or something else creepy, but Derek is pretty sure that they're eating them. It's sort of what witches do, Derek has come to know, and he shuts the book since his eyes are burning now. "I'll go wait for the food. You want a beer? Dad has some in the fridge." Stiles asks, and Derek nods his head as he rubs his eyes.

"Yeah." Derek says, getting up to follow after him. They'll deal with the witch later, for now Derek really wants something to eat.


"So do you two have any ideas what this witch is up to?" Scott asks, walking into Stiles' house without knocking. Derek and Stiles are in the dining room, eating the last of the pizza and Derek is slowly sipping his beer while Stiles is on his second soda, and they both shrug in unison. Scott huffs as he sits next to Stiles, and Stiles bites back a harsh comment about him not rushing them. "Maybe Lydia will be back before she or he strikes again." Scott sighs, and Stiles nods his head. She's not answering her phone either which isn't like her, but Stiles knows that she needs a break from them which is understandable he just wishes that he could take a break too.

"I'm sure that she'll have all the sacrifices she needs soon and she'll open a portal to hell that will consume us all." Stiles says, and Derek snorts as he eats his pizza and Scott looks genuinely worried that that might actually happen which makes Derek roll his eyes into his head. "Scotty. We don't even know if she's killing them."

"We don't even know if it's a woman." Derek reminds them, and Stiles grunts in agreement as he looks at him. Scott gives him a confused look before he waves them away as he looks at his phone, and he sighs to himself as he looks around afterwards as he thinks for a second before typing at his phone again. He's probably giving updates to Kira or Liam, and Stiles hums to himself as he watches him curiously. "I'm going back to read." Derek says, and Stiles nods his head as he stands to join him.

"I'm coming with you." Stiles says, smiling at him. He seems to be in a better mood, a hungry Stiles is a cranky Stiles which is an annoying Stiles so Derek is glad that his attitude is changing, and Derek throws himself down in the chair to read. Stiles' bed smells like jizz and Derek doesn't want to lay in that or smell it really but he's nice enough not to say anything about it.

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