The Wolf and The Deer

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This was requested by Nebula1234, it's a Twilight!AU, and I wrote it a bit differently. Instead of making a plot, I just took five of the most iconic scene and sterekafied them. Enjoy


       Moving To Beacon Hills

Stiles Stilinksi stares out the window of the sheriff's cruiser that his father picked him up at the airport in, and his father knocks his elbow against Stiles' making his son look at him. “Happy to see you, kiddo.” John says, and Stiles smiles at him.

“Me too, Dad.” Stiles tells him, but he's not being entirely honest with him. He did miss seeing his father, but he was happy where he was in Arizona. He liked the heat, the sun shining down on him, but he didn't really have any friends. He liked being alone to much to make friends, and he was too shy.

“You'll like the house. I left it just the same since you were here last summer, and I got you a Mets bed spread.” John says, and Stiles gives him a small smile while he goes back to looking out the window. The houses are starting to look familiar to him now, and he sighs softly to himself. He used to hate coming down here to see his father, not that he didn't like seeing his dad, he just didn't like the small town. “I've already registered you at the school, so you can go on Monday.” John says, and Stiles sighs loudly.

“Sure thing, Dad.” Stiles says, and John smiles at him blindingly. They fall into comfortable silence, it one of the reasons that Stiles likes to spend time with his father, and Stiles looks at all the houses pass him by before he recognizes the small two story house. There is another car parked into the driveway along with an old looking Jeep, and John smiles as he pulls into the driveway.

“Stiles, this is Melissa McCall and her son Scott. I think that you should remember them.” John says, and Stiles looks at the young man who is about his age. He has dark black hair, tan skin, and Stiles smiles when he remembers him.

“We played Batman and Robin together.” Stiles says, and Scott leans his head back to laugh loudly. Stiles smiles at him while he turns to accept a hug from Melissa, and he moves to stand next to his dad.

“What do you think of the Jeep?” Scott asks Stiles, and Stiles smiles at him while he nods his head.

“I like it, very cool.” Stiles tells him, and John claps him on the shoulder.

“Good. I got it for you. Scott here fixed it up for me for half price.” John says, and Stiles looks at him in surprise. His mother had never wanted to buy him a car, but she did let him get his license.

“Really? For me? Thank you!” Stiles says, in excitement. John nods and he laughs while Stiles hugs him before going to look better at his new Jeep, and he hears Scott following him around while he looks at the Jeep too. “Dude, this is awesome.” Stiles says, and Scott grins at him. “Do you go to BHH?” Stiles asks, and Scott shakes his head.

“No, I go to school on the reservation.” Scott says, and Stiles sighs since he should have remembered that Ms. McCall and her son live on the reservation.

“That sucks. It would have been nice to know someone.” Stiles sighs, and Scott gives him a sad smile. Stiles moves out of the Jeep to get his things out of the police cruiser, and he sees his father making small talk with Melissa. “I'm going to take my stuff in, Dad.” Stiles says, and John nods his head while turns his attention back to Melissa. Stiles grabs his things before he heads inside, and he turns around to close the door just in time to see Melissa knocking her elbow in Scott's ribs while the younger boy appears to blush.

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