Truth or Dare (Or The One Where Matt Is The King Of Bad Touch)

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Requested by Treybias(bullied!Stiles, Badass!Derek), OUATSuperWhoLock(them playing truth or dare), and x11XXscillaXX17x(The ending). Enjoy.


Stiles hates school. It isn't because he isn't smart, he is, he's the top of his class competing slightly with Lydia Martin who still doesn't know he doesn't exists. It's fine though, Stiles has Scott and he has Kira. So Stiles isn't lonely, but he does hate school since he seems to attract attention by a certain bully by the name of Matt Dahler.

At first, Stiles thought it was something like Matt was trying to pull his pigtails in a sense. That he was just trying to get his attention by teasing him, at first it wasn't even mean it was almost cute in a way but now it was different. It was bad enough that Stiles didn't want to go to school sometimes, but he made himself go. He's a senior, he can deal with this for just a few more months until he graduates and he's off away from here.

"Hey, loser." Matt says, and Stiles sighs to himself before shutting his locker. He's learned to ignore Matt, he just uses his words he never physically attacks Stiles, and Stiles gives him a bored look before making his way to his class. "Can't ignore me forever, bitch." Matt says, and Stiles almost walks into the door when he feels Matt press a kiss to his cheek. It makes his skin crawl, and he wipes his face as he moves to sit down.

There's another person in his seat, someone that Stiles has never seen before, and Stiles sort of gapes at him. The boy has one a leather jacket, his dark hair spiked up some, and his skin is tan. He looks like he wouldn't mind hitting Stiles if he asked him to move, and since he's still a little shaken by Matt's action, so he sits in the back next to his original seat.

They have to work in pairs, Stiles always works by himself since he doesn't want to work with others and Scott isn't in this class with him, and Stiles moves to begin to work on the paper. This class is too easy for him, it's almost a joke really how easy this class is to him, and he speeds through the paper. "Is there a Derek Hale here?" The teacher asks, and the boy that stole Stiles' seat raises his hand in an almost bored way. "Okay, just making sure. If you need help with anything, ask Mr. Stilinski." She says, and Stiles sighs as Derek turns to look at him.

Stiles doesn't say anything, he just pulls out his book, and he starts to read. Some of the girls notice that Derek is new, and good looking not that Stiles noticed that (He did), and one of them perches herself on Derek's desk. She leans down to whisper something to him, and Derek doesn't look interested in the slightest. When she tries again, Derek turns to look at her before smiling at her blindingly and he whispers something to her that makes her face turn angry.

Stiles bites back a laugh at her face before he goes back to his Stephen King book, and Derek turns towards him but goes back to his paper. Stiles is just getting to the good part of his book when he hears someone knocking at the door. Matt walks into the classroom, Stiles makes a point to look at his book, and he leaves after he drops something off.

"Where's the Psychology class?" Derek asks him, his voice smooth and low. Stiles doesn't think he's talking to him until he looks up to see Derek blinking at him. His eyes are so green, but it's a green that Stiles has never seen before, and he makes a humming noise until Derek repeats his question.

"Oh. It's in the C wing downstairs." Stiles tells him, and Derek nods has he goes back to his worksheet. Stiles watches him for a second before going back to his book.


Stiles is walking to class to when he see Derek Hale walking towards him, and he smiles some at him. He cannot help it, he doesn't smile as bright as he does anymore. Matt has ruined that for him some, and Derek gives him a head nod in greeting. It makes Stiles feel better, makes him feel like he and Derek are almost friends, and every time he walks into his first class Derek gives him an almost smile. Matt hasn't said anything to him in days, it makes him cautiously optimistic that he's moved on to something other than harassing Stiles.

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