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Requested by burns-in. Mentions of drug abuse, but it's minor. Void!Stiles


Derek is in a deep sleep, a peaceful rest with his arms tucked under him and his head resting on his pillow, and he feels himself snore when the bed creaks. He makes a noise as he turns over onto his side to pat out on the bed for his boyfriend, but when his hand just keeps pressing against the bed he opens his eyes. "Stiles?" Derek mumbles, looking at him while he waits for him to say something to him. Stiles hasn't been sleeping, he's been having terrible nightmares and Derek has found him outside the house a few times from where he wandered off from their bed in the middle of the night. "Stiles?" Derek asks, again. He sits up in the bed, rubbing his eyes with a tired sigh since he hasn't been resting well since Stiles hasn't be resting well, and he looks around the room to find him.

"I'm here. Just go to sleep." Stiles tells him, looking out the window but not at him and he smiles at him. Derek frowns at him while he turns his head to side as he watches him, and he just stares at him with a confused look. Stiles is never this still, his body look even ridged as he stands, and he's looking out the window. Derek can't see his face, Stiles is facing the window, but he sounds off. It's weird, Derek thinks, and he looks at him while he moves to stand up as he gets out of the bed. Stiles doesn't turn when he hears Derek walking over towards him, and Derek turns his head to the side as he watches him.

"Are you okay? You don't seem to be yourself." Derek tells him, smiling at him gently as he tries to figure out what's going on with his boyfriend. He hasn't been the same these past few months, Derek doesn't know how to help since he can't figure how what is wrong with him, but he's just tried to be a constant companion for Stiles. "It's okay, you can tell me." Derek whispers, reaching out to touch his shoulder with a gentle smile.

"No, you can't help!" Stiles snaps, turning towards him and he shrugs his hand off his shoulder. He has an unreadable expression on his face, Derek can't place it but it makes him flinch, and he looks at him sadly. Stiles seems to realize that he's upset him, and he smiles at him while he reaches out to cup Derek's face. It's an odd gesture, it's not something that Stiles has ever done before, and it makes Derek look at him strangely. "I'm fine. Go back to bed." Stiles tells him, and Derek nods his head as he moves to climb back into the bed.


Derek stops sleeping as well, he finds caffeine pills in Stiles' things and they're extra strength and he doesn't know where he got it. He throws them away and he starts to watch Stiles more and more, not letting him leave the room without Derek not knowing where he wandered off to. It seems to be annoying Stiles, which is odd since Stiles always loves to have Derek near him, and Derek lets him lash out on him.

It works for a while until Derek goes to sleep and he wakes up in an empty bed, and he doesn't see the light in the bathroom on or the door open. "Stiles?" Derek calls out, and he doesn't hear him answer. He goes quiet, listening for the sound of his heartbeat so he can find him in the house, and he sighs as he throws the blankets off before he walks around the house. Stiles' scent has changed, its smells strongly of chemical and just off other than it was, and he sniffs the air until he walks out to the woods where he can faintly trace it. "Stiles?!" Derek yells, his bare feet digging in the soft and muddy earth.

He doesn't get an answer, but he does hear something to his right. Derek doesn't waste any time before he's running towards it. He's afraid now, dread and fear coiling his belly as he looks around, and he skids to a stop when he sees Stiles. He's just standing there, in the middle of the woods in just his pajamas, and Derek walks over towards him. "Stiles, please, don't do this." Derek tells him, and Stiles turns towards him. It's not Stiles, it doesn't smell like him. "Stiles?" Derek breathes out, but the cruel smirk he gets in return tells him all he needs to know.

Sterek One-Shots:Book Two (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now