Stiles Hale's Home For Sexy Teens

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JustALonelyBookworm wanted some Pack Mom Stiles (Or Mama Bear Stiles) and twikfeen11 was sad so I hope this makes it better for them. Stiles and Derek are in their thirties in this and the beta are teens. 


"Derek,honey. What's the pack's identification number?" Stiles calls,looking down at the papers he's trying to finish. Derek leans back from where he was trying to work on his lap top, and he runs his hand through his beard. He can't see what Stiles is writing, but he doesn't trust him for a minute about what he's writing down.

"Uh,that's just Hale, Alpha Derek Samuel." Derek tells him, and Stiles nods his head while he fills out the paper work. "What are you doing?" Derek says, trying to look at it but Stiles pulls it away from him for a second so he can write down some more things. Derek listens to him mutter things to himself, something about their wedding date and his birthday and when their pack was official recognized by the city. "Seriously. What are you doing?' Derek asks him, grabbing the paper before he looks at Stiles.

"What?I was just filling it out in case." Stiles argues, and Derek looks at him before he shuts his laptop. Stiles sighs because that means that he wants to have a serious talk about this, and Stiles turns towards him with a stoned face expression.

"Stiles.This is application to house foster supernatural creatures." Derek says, and Stiles sighs loudly as he takes back the paper. Derek lets him while he looks at him, and Stiles moves to fill out the rest of the application while Derek watches him. "Stiles, we need to talk about this. I have to sign that as well." Derek points out, and Stiles turns towards him.

"Derek,we are a two person pack, yet we're still the most powerful pack in Beacon Hills. They're so many children that are on the street because regular foster homes won't take them. We have so many extra rooms,and I work from home so I could watch them." Stiles says, and Derek still doesn't' look like he's convinced. "Okay, what if we just specified that we wanted to take teenagers? They go to the bathroom by themselves and everything." Stiles sighs.

"Yes,and they could kill you in your sleep if they felt like it. I'm not leaving you alone with teenagers that could kill you. You're human."Derek tells him, and Stiles breathes out of his nose in a huff before he turns towards him. Derek knows that that's the look he's giving him is his patented look of anger and condescension that makes Derek swallow thickly.

"Derek Hale. I love you with all of my heart. You are my mate, husband, and my lover." Stiles tells him, and Derek looks at him with soft eyes at Stiles' words that make him feel warm inside even after all these years. "But this is something that I want and I don't stop until I get what I want." Stiles tells him, and Derek looks at him while he moves to snatch the paper away from him.

"The first time one of those teens try to hurt you, they're going back where they came from." Derek tells him, and Stiles rolls his eyes as he moves to lean against him as he watches him sign under the"Alpha" line. Stiles gives him a gleeful look before he signs under the "Alpha Mate" line, and he leans over to kiss him passionately.

"We should celebrate." Stiles pants into his mouth, and Derek grins as he picks Stiles up into his arms before carrying him to their bedroom.


Stiles is straighten his tie while Derek looks at him with an amused, yet almost disinterested, expression. "Shut up. Smile, we're here to help teenagers not kill someone." Stiles tells him, and Derek rolls his eyes. "Okay, they've already screened us and now they'reintroducing us to three boys." Stiles tells him, not for the first time and Derek is honestly tired of hearing it, and Derek nods his head while he moves to turn his head when the door opens.

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