Bullet Wounds

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Laurapt2468 wanted Stiles as a contracted killer, so here it is. Enter my 100th one shot contest. Tell me you love me.


        It's an art, Stiles thinks, an art that is slowly fading away. He's careful, making sure no one can see him. He looks throw the scope until the target walks into it, and Stiles breathes out sharply before pulling the trigger. The gun doesn't make a noise as the bullet shoots out, and the man he targeted falls to the ground. The glass of the window doesn't shatter away when the bullet flies through; instead, it just makes a hole as it goes through.

The man falls to the ground in his expensive penthouse, and Stiles can already hear the alarm ringing out calling the police. Stiles disassembles the gun as he packs it away, and he stands to press the button on the handset that he wears. “Target is eliminated.” Stiles says, and he waits.

“Elimination conformed. Three hundred thousand dollars has been deposited into your bank account. Good job, S.” A female robotic voice tells him, and Stiles grins at himself while he moves to climb down the fire escape of the building. Stiles hears police sirens already rushing to the penthouse, and Stiles grins to himself as he slips into the darkness.


“Stiles, are you awake?” Lydia asks, and Stiles sits up with startle. They were sitting in biology waiting for the class to start, and he was falling asleep. He had been up late last night, and he slipped back into his apartment after three in the morning.

“Yeah.” Stiles tells her, trying to smile at her. “What page on we on?” Stiles asking her, and she gives him a suspicious look before she tells him. “Thanks.” Stiles tells her, flipping to the paper.

“Late night?” Lydia asks, and Stiles smiles at her without answering her question. She shakes her head fondly and the teacher comes in before she can interrogate him farther. Stiles turns his attention towards the front of the class, and he tries to focus. His mind drifts towards last night, and he makes a mental note to send some of the money into his father's bank account. He had to create a fake insurance company to keep his father off his trail, he's proud of that fact, and he reminds himself to send the money in.

Stiles stares at the PowerPoint presentation that his teacher is putting on, Lydia is making notes as she pays attention to the lecture, and Stiles mostly doodles. He almost falls asleep before the end of the class, and Lydia pinches his arm to get him to wake up. “Class is over, come on.” Lydia hisses, and Stiles nods his head as he gives his things together.

“I'm going to the apartment to take a nap. See you later, Lyds.” Stiles calls, and Lydia grabs him before he can walk away.

“Are you coming to Derek's later?” Lydia asks, and Stiles frowns. Things with Derek are weird at the moment, and they cannot seem to be in the same room without getting into an argument. Stiles isn't sure what started it, sometimes he thinks it's him or other times he's sure that it's Derek, but he just tries to avoid Derek. Sometimes Stiles just knows that Derek knows what he does, that he kills people, so he doesn't like to see him. He and Derek used to close, but know not so much.

“Probably not. Homework, and what not.” Stiles says, and Lydia frowns as she crosses her arms across her chest in her patented 'You will be there and you will bring cookies while you smile' look. “Okay, fine. We'll see, yeah? If, and only if, I'm not swimming in homework and work stuff.” Stiles tells her, and Lydia rolls her eyes.

“You do filing part time in the records office. I'm sure you won't be busy.” Lydia says, and Stiles just rolls his eyes while he follows after her.

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