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First one shot in the new book! Welcome back, friends. So this is loosely, very loosely, based on the story of Persephone and Hades. In the orginal myth, Hades rapes Persephone when she is just out of adolescence but not yet an adult meaning she would be about 11 or 12. Not to mention that Zeus was her father, making her Hades niece. So...go eat a dick Hades. 


        Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful young man that everyone loved. He went by the name of Stiles and his mother was the goddess of the Earth and his father was a mortal. Stiles loved running around in nature while he played with the animals of Earth. His mother loved Stiles more than anything in this world, and she would do anything for him.

Little did either of them know, that Stiles had caught the eye of the God of the Underworld and Derek wouldn't stop until he got Stiles.


“Please, be careful.” Claudia begs of her son before he leaves. Stiles turns around to smile at his mother, and he nods his head. Claudia smiles at him before she turns back to what she was doing, and Stiles quietly shuts the door behind him. Stiles was a young man of eighteen, with pale beautiful skin what was lightly dusted with moles like his mother's, his hair was brown, and he stood tall like his father. Stiles hasn't seen his father in almost a week since he was off doing his job, making sure the travelers played nice with each other, and he missed him.

Stiles takes a deep breath of air as he rushes off into the plains stopping every so often to pet the animals that walk up to him, and he sit down by a stream. He is panting lightly when he scoops some of the water out of the stream to drink, and he sighs happily as he sits down under a tree. He thinks as he rests, Stiles thinks of his mother at home. Stiles looks across the empty plain as a deer gallops across the field after it nips at the grass, and it wonders away as if frightened.

Stiles plays it off as his imagination, and when his stomach growls in hunger he stands to make his way back to his mother. “Are you hungry?” Stiles hears, and he turns in surprise to see someone leaning against the tree Stiles was just sitting under. The man is devilishly handsome, he is dressed in all black, his black hair tousled on his head, his teeth are blinding white in a wide smile that makes Stiles frown slightly, and the man's hands are in his pockets.

“Yes, but I am on my way home.” Stiles tells him, and he turns to leave but the man speaks out again stopping him.

“I have some pomegranates.” The man says, and Stiles pauses. Pomegranates were his favorite, everyone knew that, he would eat them until he was sick if his mother or father didn't stop him.

“Pomegranates?” Stiles asks, curiously and the man grins at him. He holds out his hand to reveal several of them in his palm, and he smiles at Stiles. “I don't have any money.” Stiles says, shyly and the man laughs brightly with his thrown back.

“It is a gift. No one would dare charge such a beautiful face.” He says, and Stiles blushes at the compliment. He was used to being called beautiful, but he would never grow used to it, and he takes on of them from the strangers hand.

“Thank you.” Stiles tells him, and the man watches him intensively.

“You can have as many as you want.” The man tells him, and Stiles nods his head. The pomegranate was the best he had ever tasted, even better than the ones his father brought him back from Greece, and soon he was taking another. Stiles looks at the man before he eats another, and the man nods at him. He is oddly familiar to Stiles, but Stiles just thanks him before he eats another.

Sterek One-Shots:Book Two (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now