The Hale's Run Beacon Hills

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This was requested by Lindseydiangelo27. It's a mob!au, but yeah. I tried. I hope it is liked or at least amuse you all for the short time it takes you to read it.


Derek is tired of listening to someone tell him why they cannot pay him the money that they owe him, and he holds his hand up to stop the man from talking to him. "Stop talking to me. You're lying and I can hear it in every single word from your lips." Derek tells him, annoyed while he moves to sit down in his chair while he looks at him. "You owe me ten thousand dollars, Henry." Derek tells him, and the man seems to sweat nervously as he looks at his hands while humming to himself.

"I know, Mr. Hale, and you know that I'm good for it." Henry tells him, and Derek rolls his eyes as he moves to sit up straighter while he gives Henry a bored look. He really doesn't have time for this today, and he moves to walk around the room.

"Henry. I have broken three of your fingers before over three thousand dollars. Do you really think that I'm going to just let you walk out of here over without my money that you owe me?" Derek asks, leaning against his desk. Henry nervously sweats as he wrings his hands, and Derek waits as if he's going to answer him, and he rolls his eyes as he moves to turn towards his sister. "Laura, what do you think we should do?" Derek asks, and Laura jerks her head at Boyd.

Boyd nods his head before he moves to grab Henry's arm before dislocating his shoulder, making the man scream in pain. "You have three days to give us our money or else. I think you can just use your imagination to think of what we'll do to you." Laura tells Henry, and he sniffs pitifully while he moves to scramble out of the room as quickly as he can. Derek watches him while rolling his eyes as he moves to sit back down. "Make sure he leaves, Boyd, please." Laura says, and Boyd nods as he follows the older man out of the restaurant that the Hale's do their business from.

"When is Cora getting home from school?" Derek asks, rubbing his forehead with his hands. Laura hums she checks the time before she yawns some. Derek's in charge of the Hale's family now that his parents are deceased. The Hale family was the strongest and most powerful mafia family in all of Beacon Hills, the Argent's think that they're competition but they're really just a thorn in Derek's side most of the time. The Hale's run the drugs, gambling, prostitution, and money loaning. Derek is also close to the Madam of Beacon Hills, so he knows that she treats her girls right. Derek and his family doesn't deal with human trafficking, and he moves to walk upstairs to the restaurant.

"In about fifteen minutes. Isaac is picking her up from school. I think she had play practice. She's been going on about it. Apparently she's the first freshmen in years to get the lead in a play, and she's gloating to all the upperclassman." Laura says, a bit too proudly and Derek chuckles as he nods his head. It's all she's been talking about for days, and Derek thinks she's really excited about it. She keeps nonchalantly asking if Derek and Laura are going to be there, and he keeps reassuring her that they will be.

"Okay. She knows not to walk home anymore." Derek says, and Laura nods her head while she moves go start getting ready for the dinner rush. She actually likes working in the restaurant while Derek likes the business part of the Hale family. "I'm going to go over the books. After Cora gets home, I've got to go downtown to pay some people a visit." Derek tells her, and Laura nods her head.

"Derek! Laura!" Cora yells when she walks into the restaurant, and Derek moves to follow after the stairs. He sees her eating the dinner that Erica made her, and he smiles at her before kissing her head. "Gross!" Cora says, her mouth full of food making Erica give her a fond look while she moves to serve other customers.

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