Mysterious as the Dark Side of the Moon

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This Mulan!AU was requested by laikabosshill. Instead of looking for boys, the army is looking for supernatural creatures which was difficult because they make them prove that they were werewolves or whatever so I made Stiles like Sherlock and he says that he's a psychic. If you don't like this make a note of this: dishonor on you! dishonor on your cow!


The war starts before Stiles knows it, before anyone knows it really, and it makes him uneasy even though the war and battles haven't found their way to him. His father is the sheriff of the small village to the east of the Hale territory, he's never even seen the Hale's or been close enough to the town to see any of the royal military family, and he knows that it was only a matter of time before the Argent's raged war on the supernatural. Stiles is curious about how it will affect him or his father, John is pacing the floor as he thinks as he looks at him. "Father? Why are you worried?" Stiles asks him, looking at him walk around the room.

John looks up at him as he walks to the fireplace to stand still. His father is bitten wolf, Stiles isn't supernatural, and the town's people respect him as an Alpha of the town. John has never offered him the bite, and Stiles doesn't think he wants it so he doesn't mind. "I heard a rumor in the village that the Hale's will come through to recruit supernaturals for the war." John tells him, and Stiles looks at him in surprise as he nods his head.

"The people will have to fight? We don't have a lot of supernaturals here. It's a human village mostly." Stiles says, and his father nods his head. Stiles doesn't think anything else of it at the time, but he wishes that he had later on.


Today is a disaster, but Stiles has a feeling that it's going to get worst. He was supposed to go to the village to make the announcement that he was finally going to start taking suitors for marriage, he doesn't really want to but he does want to get married and he gets to pick his future spouse so he doesn't mind, but the day gets overshadowed when everyone hears loud horses galloping into town. Stiles looks up from where someone was talking to him about how happy he would be on his farm, Stiles didn't say anything to him as he looks up, and he frowns. He's wearing a veil over his head, something about tradition but Stiles really just did it because John told him too.

John stops watching his son to look up at the horse and he smiles at the lieutenant on the horse. She gives him a professional nods and she looks at him. "I'm here to recruit all the supernatural creatures in the village. I have their information here, including yours." She says, handing John a paper. Stiles watches and he stands over to look at him, and he storms over as quickly as he can to try to take the paper.

"You can't do that! He's not warrior material." Stiles screeches at her, and she takes the paper out of his reach to hand to John. "No! He fought in the war, he's done his time leave him alone." Stiles begs her, and she doesn't looks at him while she steers her horse to leave. Stiles knows that she has no choice, she's just following orders, but he's still angry at her. "No!" Stiles screams, and everyone is looking at him in a mixture of surprise at the outburst and pity at his sadness.

"Stiles, go home. Now." John tells him, softly. Stiles feels his lip tremble, his father can't see his face because of the veil, and he sniffs as he turns to run back to his home to be alone with his grief. He can't believe this is happening, he's going to lose his father to this war, and he hates this. His father stays gone for a while, and when he gets home he puts the letter from the Hale army on the mantel. Stiles stares at the piece of paper until he gets an idea that he knows is stupid but it could save his father's life.

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