Blue Bloods

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Requested by my friend TheThingInYourCloset. Mentions of child abuse just in case any of you don't like to read about that. Lazily edited. Love you guys. 


        Stiles is swirling around in the chair in the guest room of his aunt's house as he waits for Derek and the pack to Skype him. He doesn't really like spending his summers here, but he loves his little cousins. His aunt and uncle are wealthy, more wealthy than Derek Hale and his family which is a lot since the shiny ring on Stiles' left finger cost more than his first tuition at community college. It's an engagement ring that Stiles is always looking at when he should be focused on other things.

The reason he doesn't like his aunt is something he has kept to himself since he's came here for the first summer almost five years ago. His aunt is a seemingly good person, she does charities, she's always at her sons soccer games, but all that goes away when she drinks. His cousins are nine and thirteen now, but Stiles still likes them all the same. It wasn't until he had spent the first night here all those years ago did he realize why he never really cared for his aunt. He was minding his own business, texting Scott since he didn't know Derek yet (the horror Stiles thinks), when he heard the sound of a slap followed by a cry.

Those thoughts get shaken when he hears the unmistakable sound of his computer ringing to tell him it was a video call. Stiles smiles excitedly before rolling over to his laptop and hitting the green button. “Hello, my loves.” Stiles sighs happily when the pack comes into view. Derek is in the middle while in the background the rest of the pack is lounging on Stiles and Derek's bed.

“Hey, Stiles!” Isaac and Scott yell at the same time, and Stiles beams at them while he waves. He feels relieved that he can finally see them again, it like he can breath knowing that they'll settled and with Derek, and he gives a special smile to Derek.

“Hey, baby.” Derek says, and Stiles smiles at him. He misses him so much, this is the last summer he's going to be able to go four weeks without seeing Derek or the pack because this is too much for his little heart to bare right now, and Stiles smiles softly at him.

“Hey, Alpha mine.” Stiles sighs, leaning forward some to grin at him better. He wants to reach out and touch the screen that Derek's on, but he doesn't from fear of getting mocked. “How are things in sunny Beacon Hills?” Stiles asks, and Derek shrugs his shoulders while Scott and Isaac move to get closer to the screen to see him better.

“Same as they always were. When are you coming home?” Isaac asks, and Stiles gives him a fond look before shaking his head.

“I've only been here five days, baby.” Stiles tells him, and Isaac pouts but nods his head. Stiles smiles at him softly before turning his attention towards the girls. Lydia and Kira are sitting on the floor, looking through magazines trying to look like they aren't paying any attention which they all know is a lie. “But I'll be back before you miss me too much, okay?” Stiles says, and Isaac continues pouting.

“I miss you so much already!” Isaac says, and Stiles gives him a soft smile. “I do. I probably miss you more than Derek!” Isaac says, and everyone snorts because they know it's a lie. Derek feels like part of himself is missing when Stiles isn't there, dramatic as it seems it's true. Stiles knows, he feels the same, so Derek doesn't care what the pack says.

“I'm sure Derek doesn't even notice I'm gone.” Stiles teases, and Derek glares at him. Isaac snorts as moves so Stiles can see him better.

“That's a lie. We caught him sleeping with one of your dirty shirts.” Isaac supplies, and Stiles snorts in amusement.

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