Somewhere Between Fuck You and Fuck Me

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Request by AFlyingMind. I guess the best way to summarize it would be it's the evolution of Sterek, but it's not really canon. 


It started off like this...

Stiles looks out the window of his chemistry class, and he sees Derek Hale's black car drive into the parking lot. He huffs to himself while he looks at him, and he shakes his head to himself while he looks at the other man. "What the hell are you doing here?" Stiles mumbles to himself, and Derek turns his head as if he can hear Stiles. Derek looks up and around until his eyes meet Derek's, and the older man smiles at him but it's not a nice smile. It's mocking and borderline cruel, and Stiles huffs as he tries not to break eye contact.

"Stilinski!"Mr. Harrison barks, and Stiles looks away reluctantly before he looks at his chemistry teacher with a frown of annoyance. "Would you mind actually pay attention for once in your life?" He says, and some people snicker in amusement but Stiles doesn't pay them any attention before he looks down at his work in front of him. Stiles turns his head while he moves to look out the window to see if he can see Derek, but the older man is already gone. Stiles growls softly to himself before he turns to look at Scott, he knows that Derek is looking for Scott and not him, and his best friend is focusing on his school work.

The bell rings shortly after that, and Stiles flees from the room without waiting for Scott. He tries to lose his best friend in the crowd, and he manages to do it before he walks towards the parking lot in order to find Derek before he can get to Scott. Stiles looks around before he feels some grab him before slamming into the wall of the school,making him hiss in pain and annoyance, and he glares at Derek before pulling away from him. "Don't fucking touch me, you asshole."Stiles hisses, and Derek smirks at him before letting him go.

"Why are you following me?" Derek asks, leaning against the wall of the school while watches Stiles with amusement. "Hmm?" Derek asks him, and Stiles rolls his eyes as he moves to fix his shirt and he huffs.

"Are you looking for Scott? Leave him alone and don't start that whole we're brothers now Scott because he's nothing like you." Stiles tells him, sharply. Derek's face doesn't change, he doesn't looks angry or annoyed with Stiles, and Stiles hates that he doesn't seem to be able to get under Derek's skin. He knows that he can annoy him,that's true, but he doesn't think he can get under his skin like he can with everyone else.

"He needs me." Derek tells him, and Stiles scoffs in annoyance while he shakes his head at him. Derek doesn't seem to mind while he watches him, and he pushes Stiles against the wall just because he's stronger than Stiles. Stiles doesn't flinch when his back hits the edge of the concrete wall, and Derek mildly impressed with the younger man.

"He has me. I'm the one that helps him with his research, and we don't need you." Stiles tells him, angrily. Derek watches him with that same stupid look on his face that makes Stiles want to punch him if he didn't know that his hand was going to hurt by the sheer force of Derek's face, and Stiles huffs before he moves to leave.

"Tell him to meet me with the information he knows about the feral Alpha after school. I'll be waiting." Derek tells him, really ignoring anything that Stiles has been saying. Stiles glares at him in annoyance before he moves to run his hand over his short hair, and he moves to hike his back pack up on his shoulder.

"I hope the Argent's finally kill you." Stiles tells him, and Derek gives him a smirk before he moves to blend into the crowd of high school students. Stiles rolls his eyes to the sky before he's moving to walk towards the school to get to his next class, and he doesn't bother delivering the message to Scott since he just really doesn't feel like it.

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