Laugh Lines

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Time Travel!AU


        The Hale House is full of tension, and the beta look from Derek to Stiles as the men raise their voice at each other. It wasn't supposed to be like this, it was just supposed to be a pack meeting, but every time Derek and Stiles got into the same room harsh words and tension files around. “Do you listen to yourself when you talk or do you just spew words and hope they form a sentence?” Derek asks Stiles, and Stiles glares at him.

“I don't know, Derek. Do actually think about your plans, or do you just fuck the enemy and hope for the best?” Stiles snaps back, and Erica makes an 'oh' sound as the betas look from their Alpha to Stiles. Somehow Stiles manages to get away with unharmed, if Isaac or Erica tried to say something like that they would probably get an arm broken.

“I wish you and Scott weren't a package deal because I could live without you.” Derek hisses, and a flash of hurt passes over Stiles' face but it passes as soon as it appeared.

“Actually, I think I've saved your fuzzy ass more than once.” Stiles says, and Derek rolls his eyes at the ceiling while he growls in irritation. He's making the pups nervous, Stiles knows, they look uneasily like they want to be anywhere else but here. “Go play, guys.” Stiles tells them, and quick as a light they run from the room leaving Stiles and Derek alone.

“Stop telling my pack what to do.” Derek tells him, and Stiles snorts. It's not his fault that the pups listen to him when he talks, he blames Derek since they usually come to his house when Derek gets angry or forgets to feed them.

“Not my fault they like me better.” Stiles tells him, and Derek growls at him. Stiles doesn't waste a second before he growls back at him, it sounds ridiculous to both of them, and Derek narrows his eyes at him. Stiles doesn't back down from staring down Derek, and Derek takes a step forward while he flashes his eyes red. Stiles takes a deep breath but he doesn't move, and they both hear a loud boom that makes them shake.

Stiles looks at Derek who bares his fangs as he turns his body around Stiles to see where the loud sound came from. Stiles moves to dig his hand into Derek's arm as he tries to look around him, and they both freeze when they hear voices.

“I told you that the a was silent.”

“I thought I told you not to interrupt me while I was speaking. It was a complex spell, love.”

“This was a bad idea.”

“Don't be dramatic, baby, it doesn't suit you.” One of the voice tells the other one, and the pair walk into the kitchen where they freeze when they see Derek and Stiles. “This was a bad idea.” He says, and Stiles turns his head to the side in confusion. The man speaking look very similar to himself, except he is older. He looks to be in his mid thirties, and his companion is trying to pull him back towards himself. Stiles does gasp when he looks at the other man because he knows Derek Hale anywhere.

This Derek Hale;however, has some gray in his hair making him look to be in his mid forties, he has deep laugh lines around his eyes, and he look thicker all around likes he's put on weight with his age but he still look fit. The way he is looking at Stiles now is alarming, like he hasn't seen him for awhile and he's missed him. His older self is still lithe and he has a hint of a beard like he forgot to shave, and he has crinkles by his eyes like the older Derek. “Oh, my God. Look how young you are, baby! Not a hint of gray in that magnificent hair!” Older Stiles cries, and he moves to tangle his hands into Derek's hair.

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