Wannabe (Drabble)

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This was request by angelly2000 and it is a drabble based on Derek finding the "Wannabe" video that Dylan made which means it's shorter than what I normally write. For some reason I just had such a hard time writing for this prompt. 


Stiles hates the internet. He hates that it's sometimes slow, that it doesn't load sometimes, and that there are ads everywhere, and it really just drives him insane. But what what really drives him crazy is that nothing ever goes away from it. Stupid posts that people can save, pictures that Scott took from when Stiles drunk off of his ass, and just about anything that he can think of. What Stiles really wishes would go away is his YouTube channel from his early teens, especially some of the videos that he made.

It's not that he's embarrassed of the videos, that's a lie he totally is, but he really just doesn't want his boyfriend of two years to find it. He never wants to think about it again, it was a dare from Scott that just never stopped being funny to the other man, and Stiles really doesn't think about it unless he sees pictures of the Spice Girls. Sometimes, it's fond most of the time it isn't. Stiles is laying on his laying on his back while he looks at his phone with an annoyed look, and he smiles to himself when he gets a text from his silly boyfriend.

Stiles loves Derek, he loves him so much, and he hates that Derek has been busy with a pack meeting in western Oregon for the past few weeks. Stiles wanted to go with him,but he just had a few months off for summer so he wanted to spend time with his father. They talk on Skype, text and call constantly,and he smiles at his phone while he moves to answer when Derek calls him on Skype. "Hello, my sweet fuzzy boyfriend." Stiles says, and Derek raises an eyebrow at him.

"Fuzzy?" Derek asks, and Stiles shrugs his shoulders as he moves to cross his legs on his desk to look at him while he moves to cross his legs on the bed as he looks at him while he moves to turns his head to smile at him. "Anyways,moving on from fuzzy. How are you doing?" Derek asks him, and Stiles smiles at him while he moves to lay his head down on his knees.

"As good as I am going to be."Stiles tells him, and Derek rolls his eyes as he moves to pull his laptop closer to him so he can see Stiles better on the computer. "I slept seventeen hours yesterday so that was so great." Stiles says,and Derek laughs as he rolls his eyes at him. Stiles just watches him for a second as he moves to lay on his stomach, and he smiles like an idiot at his boyfriend. "How was the super secret pack meeting?" Stiles asks him, flirtatiously.

"It it was secret then I couldn't very well tell you now could I?" Derek says, smiling. He likes that Stiles wants to know, and he likes the frustrated look that Stiles gets when he doesn't know something that Derek knows. Stiles huffs at him while Derek moves to turn his head when he hears something fall down. "This hotel is a piece of shit and I'm pretty sure that it's haunted." Derek says, and that makes Stiles smiles at him while he moves to looks at him. "It was fine. Some wolves don't like to share and it causes problems for the rest of us." Derek sighs, and Stiles nods his head while he moves to cross his ankles.

"That sounds nice, Der." Stiles yawns, and Derek looks at him with soft amusement. Stiles smiles at him, matching his grin, and he doesn't miss the way that Derek watches every thing he does with laser precision.

"Are you seriously tired again after seventeen hours of rest?" Derek asks him, and Stiles laughs as he lays his head down against the bed as he looks at him. Derek looks at him while he smiles at him while he moves to take off his shoes so he can lay in the scratchy hotel bed. He hates any beds that aren't his, he sort of still hates Stiles' bed in his dorm when he spends the night with Stiles at his dorm but he likes Stiles' bed at John's well enough, and he watches as Stiles starts drifting off asleep. "Stiles." Derek says, softly.

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