It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Halloween (Everywhere You Go)

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Hello, Stalers. This is a Halloween request that was wanted by emma_and_orlando. It's cute, like you.


"Deck the walls with spooky skulls! Fa la la la la la la la la!" Stiles sings loudly, and Derek looks up at him from where he was drinking his coffee in the morning while he tries to wake up since he has work in an hour. "Tis the season to be scary! Fa la la la la la la la!" Stiles adds, and Derek tries not to smile as he sips his drink.

"It's still September, babes. Pumpkin spice shit isn't even out yet." Derek tells him, and Stiles turns his head from where he was climbing up the cabinets to throw some fake spiders on to the top of the cabinet in hopes that Malia or Scott will come by them and screech like they did last year. "But go ahead. Just wait until." Derek starts.

"October to do the outside." Stiles says with him. They do this every single year, and every single year Derek turns a blind eye when Stiles does it anyways in September. Once he waited until midnight on the thirtieth before he sneaked outside and Derek woke up to a Halloween wonderland. It was sort of magical, Derek begrudgingly admits at the time it was really nice and cute. They always have the best house, all the kids in the neighborhood love the Hale's house, and Derek cannot count how many times he catches kids running into their yard to look at the decorations. "I know, Derek. I will wait until the first of the month to do the outside." Stiles says, and Derek smiles as he nods his head.

"I'm late for work, Stiles. I promised Jordan I'd take him while his car's in the shop." Derek says, getting his lunch out of the refrigerator. He turns towards where Stiles was humming to himself as he threw some more of the fake spiders everywhere in the living room, it's probably way too many of them since they're sort of annoying in Derek's opinion but whatever as long as Stiles is smiling and happy Derek can't complain too much, and he walks behind him. "Kiss me." Derek says, and Stiles spins around on his toes to smack his lips against Derek's with a happy smile. "Love you." Derek calls, going to his car while Stiles yells back to him that he loves him too.

Derek is pretty sure that when he gets home, their house is going to be covered in fake cobwebs, silly string, orange and black, and everything else that Stiles can drag out of their hallway closet to use on the house. Oh well, Derek thinks, he get Christmas and Stiles gets Halloween. It's only fair, Derek thinks.


Derek isn't surprised to see a group of kids around eight huddled around the gate that leads to his house, whispering among themselves about the spooky house, and Derek rolls down his window quietly to listen to them. "I heard that the people there are monsters." One of them whispers to the group.

"That's not true! The man works at the sheriff's station. He got my cat out of the tree! My cat didn't like him so that means he's a werewolf!" A little girl says, and the other kids look at her in surprise. "It's true! I went their last year for trick or treating and he growled at me!" She adds, and Derek thinks about it and he does remember growling at some children, much to their and Stiles' delight. Derek chuckles to himself as he drives up to the gate and the control panel where he puts in the code is covered in glittery spider webs. "Oh!" The girl says in surprise when she sees Derek.

"Hi, Deputy Hale." One of the boy's squeaks, and Derek bites back a smile as he nods his head. "We're walking home now." He says, and Derek nods his head as he starts to drive into the driveway.

"Can you walk us home?" The girl asks, looking at the sun starting to set. Derek stops the car before the driveway to walk out, he recognizes them as some of the kids from the street they live on, and he walks with them. "So what's Mr. Mr. Hale doing for Halloween this year?" The same girl asks, and Derek bites back a smile.

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