Building The Pack (Part Three of the Man On The Train Series)

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So to avoid confusion, and unnecessary comments, Derek is about thirty in this one, Stiles is roughly twenty-six, and the betas are sixteen and seventeen. 



“I'm pretty sure this a felony. Two grown men watching a sixteen year old boy at night.” Stiles says, ripping the bag of chips from Derek's lap as he watches a young man with curly hair use a tractor to dig a grave.

“He's seventeen.” Derek tells him, without breaking his view from the young man that was working. They have been watching this boy for sometime, about three months in total, and Stiles was still a little foggy as to why they were doing it.

“Oh, because that makes it so much better and less illegal.” Stiles says, and Derek gives him a bored look before going back to his watching. “Seriously, love muffin, what are we doing here?” Stiles asks, and Derek glares at him without heat.

“Vetoing love muffin.” Derek tells him, and Stiles knocks his foot against Derek's thigh. Derek doesn't say anything for a while, Stiles has gotten used to the silence, and Derek watches the too thin boy work. He should be at home asleep, but if Derek's right in his assumptions, the boy doesn't want to be home. “I think we should make him pack.” Derek says, and Stiles makes an 'oh' noise while he moves to look at the kid better. “I mean, he comes from a broken home. His piece of shit father gives him bruises, and he needs someone to take care of him.” Derek rambles, and Stiles cuts him off with a kiss.

“I wasn't saying no, Der. I think it's a great idea, and we should definitely talk him about it.” Stiles says, and Derek smiles at him before opening his door. “Whoa, love bug, now?” Stiles asks, and Derek turns to glare at him. “Alright, Alpha, keeps those eyes pretty green.” Stiles says, following after him.

The boy has yet to notice them, and Stiles moves to hold Derek's hand while they walk up to him carefully as to not scare him. Stiles can already make out a bruised eye, and he can hear the wheezing of the boy's breathing as if he's ribs are broken or hurt. “So, do we just introduces ourselves?” Stiles whispers, a little to loudly because the boy squeaks in surprise before falling over into the empty grave. “And down he goes.” Stiles comments, and Derek tries to glare at him before moving to help the poor boy.

“Are you alright?” Derek asks, gently. The boy cowers away from them, trying to make himself as small as possible in the tight space. Stiles jumps down into the grave, with grace due to his abilities, and the boy looks at him in fear.

“W-W-What d-d-do you want w-w-with me?” The boy shudders in fear, and Stiles being Stiles, holds his hand up to his face.

“Your eternal soul!” Stiles says, and Derek throws dirt on him. “Ew! Derbear! That's nasty. Ew, it's in my mouth.” Stiles spits, and the boy is starting to calm down some. “So what's your name, kiddo?” Stiles asks, and the boy looks from him to Derek.

“Isaac.” He whispers, so softly both Derek and Stiles strain to hear him. Derek holds out his hand for Isaac to take, he does after flinching, and Stiles pulls himself up.

“Thanks for the help, Derek.” Stiles says, and Derek pushes him back down. “No!” Stiles cries, and Isaac manages a small giggle so Stiles doesn't say anything back to Derek for now. “So, Isaac. Want to be a werewolf and live with me and Derek in his loft? I make a hell of a breakfast.” Stiles says, and Derek sighs loud and pained.

“What?” Isaac asks, and Derek glares at his mate while trying to think of what to say next.

“He's right.” Derek tells him, and Isaac gives him a confused look.

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