Reunions (Or The One Where Derek And Erica Never Dated)

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Sorry about not answering comments. I will try to work on that for you guys. The love is there. 


      A Little More Than Five Years Ago

“You're absolutely pathetic, Derek.” Erica says, and Derek waves her away. They're taking a break from marching practice, and sitting on the grass while they face the lacrosse team while they watch them practice. He isn't pathetic, at least he thinks, but his best friend is probably right. “Stiles is just a guy. I don't why you're so obsessed with him.” Erica snorts, taking a drink of water. She digs in her bag for some sun screen, and she passes it to Derek.

“I'm not obsessed with him. It's a crush. Which you have one on the drum major.” Derek points out, and Erica shushes him. They do not speak of Vernon Boyd and the undying love Erica has for him, and Derek squirts some of the sunblock onto his hand before rubbing it on her shoulders.

“Well, if it isn't the spaz and the band nerd. What a cute little couple!” They hear, and the both turn towards Matt Dahler. He's laughing loudly at his own joke, and his little pack of dumbasses laughs along with it. They're the ones that sent the video of Erica urinating on herself during a seizure, she got some on Derek and he didn't even say anything,and Derek hates him.

“What are you going to do when we graduate next week? Continue being a twat at college?” Derek asks, moving Erica's hair out of the way before continuing to run the sunscreen in to her fair skin. Matt takes a step forward towards them, making Erica tense, and Derek knows everyone is watching them including Stiles from across the field.

“You say something, queer?” Matt asks, and Derek snorts as he rolls his eyes. Erica is tense, and Derek wraps a protective arms around her waist. “Aw, you going to protect your little freak of a girlfriend?” Matt says, in a childish voice. Derek feels anger fly through him, he hates when people call his best friend a freak just because she has Epilepsy. Derek stands up quickly, but Erica grabs him.

“In five days we'll be done, and off to Boston.” Erica reminds him, and Derek sits down. Matt makes another dumbass comment before he gets bored and walks off.

Next week when they graduate, Erica and Derek are hugging each other while their mother's take pictures. Derek can see Stiles out of the corner of his eye, hugging his friend McCall, and he isn't looking over him. Stiles would never look at him even now, and Derek turns his attention towards his mother. Stiles is heading over to Berkeley to study criminal law while Derek is going to study business, and he's pretty sure this is the last time he'll ever see him.

Erica kisses his cheek, and Derek smiles widely at her while he hugs her. “Ready to spend the next four years of lives living together? Taking class together?” Erica asks, and Derek nods his head. They were both surprised to find that Boyd was going all the way to Boston with them, and didn't have a dorm yet and the apartment Derek and Erica were renting had a room across the hall.

So that's how Derek and Erica found themselves driving cross country with their old drum major in their car, Erica gladly said that since Boyd didn't have a car he could ride with her, and Derek was ready to get out of Beacon Hills. He wasn't sure when he was going to come back, hopefully not until he had too, and he wasn't going to miss the people he graduated with.

“Ready to go?” Erica asks, slamming the car door. Her car is packed with hers and Boyd's stuff, she's so excited to be spending uninterrupted time with him, and Derek's is too. He takes one last look at his family home, his mother waving at him still, and he smiles at her.

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