Dude, Let's Get Married (Or Aces in Love)

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Pretty sure I got this from tumblr. 


Stiles hums softly under his breath as he puts his key into the lock of the apartment that he shares with his best friend and roommate, and he smiles to himself when he smells paint and oil. "Derek? I'm home." Stiles calls, and he hears loud music so he knows that he's not going to get answer at the moment. Derek is busy painting and being the insane artist he is, and Stiles just stands by and lets him. It's not like he has a choice in the matter, or it's not that he minds. Stiles works for the sheriff's department, a darling little deputy as Scott likes to call him, and he smiles at Derek when he sees him covered in paint and sweat. "You're gross." Stiles says, wrinkling his nose.

"Yeah, but you should see my canvas. It's gorgeous." Derek tells him, smiling at him while Stiles rolls his eyes with a soft laugh. He doesn't know when he and Derek started to live together, Derek was the starving artist that was living on the streets and Stiles was the only one in their group of friends that had a spare room, but it works out for both of them. Derek is like him, asexual, and it's nice since Stiles doesn't have to come home to him fucking someone or having to listen to him have sex. It's a good partnership, a good friendship, and he smiles while he looks through his mail. "I'm ordering out, you want the usual?" Derek asks him, and Stiles nods his head as he starts to unbutton his dress shirt.

"Yeah. I look forward to the day that you'll pay for dinner." Stiles says, laying a twenty on the table while he smiles at him. He gets that Derek is behind on money, he always is, but he does make sure that Stiles' uniforms are pressed and when he does sale something he normally gives almost all of his money to Stiles and the rent. "I'm going to shower. I'll be back. Order some extra, I'm starving." Stiles calls as he runs down the hall to their bathroom. Derek rolls his eyes as he goes to his, Stiles' old laptop, and he orders them their regular food.


Derek is nervously watching the curator of the museum as he looks at his work, and he sighs to himself when he sees the man frown. That can't be good, Derek thinks. He needs at least one painting to be accepted, he actually needs like five or six if he's ever going to put a dent in the money he owes Stiles for rent and food and everything else he's done for him, and he bites his lip nervously when the man turns towards him. "So you just have these four?" He asks, and Derek makes an 'uh' noise as he looks around.

"I have several more in the closet." Derek tells him, moving to leave the room in a hurry. He has a few that he's halfassed through, but he hopes that maybe that makes them look more valuable. Derek picks a few pictures he's taken with his camera, an oil painting, and a sculpture or two that he drags into the room. He's glad that Stiles isn't here to see him looking this desperate for money, and he rushes back into the room where the man is staring at one of the painting that he made. "Uh. That one is half off." Derek tells him, and the man turns towards him.

"I'll put this one in my studio for thirty percent of the sales." The man says, and Derek nods his head. Sometimes they don't sale and Derek's out money, but he doesn't really have choice in the matter when it's like this. "Okay." The man says, reaching forward to shake his hand while he takes the painting. Derek smiles to himself as he watches him go, and he smiles as he texts Stiles with the good news.

"Does that mean that you're going to buy dinner for once?" Stiles texts him back, and Stiles smiles to himself as he hums before texting him back that he doesn't get paid until the painting sales. Stiles sends him back a frowny face and Derek laughs as he puts his phone away before he texts their friends to tell them the good news. Maybe this is the break he's going to get, now he'll get noticed and his art will be used everywhere. At least he can dream, Derek thinks to himself.

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