Into The Woods

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Requested by TheMajesticUnicorns. It's based on a music video by (I think) Joey Graceffas.


Stiles likes the woods. He takes his wooden sword and his paper crown, his mother doesn't think he's response enough for his real crown yet, and he spends his days in the woods by himself. He likes to pretend that he's fighting monsters, the guards that watch him think he's going to be a fabulous knight when he gets older, and he has the time of his life. He's just turned eight, he'll soon be too busy with tutors and training to be child so his parents want him to enjoy it while he can. His real name is Hezekiah, but he likes for his parents to call him Stiles. It's the name of a hero in one of his story books that his mother reads to him.

Stiles often pretends that he's saving his mother from monsters when she goes for walks with him, and she laughs while calling him her hero. Stiles beams at her before running off after a bunny, and she watches him fondly while she shakes her head fondly. "I'll save you, Mother!" Stiles cries, slaying an imaginary monster while Claudia pretends to be afraid for her life. Stiles smiles as he slashes at air.

"Be careful, darling." The queen says, and Stiles nods his head while he moves to continue playing. He's mostly always careful, sometimes he falls down or hurts himself but nothing that a kiss from his mother or father cannot heal. She watches him go, knowing that her guards are hiding in the trees watching for threats, and Stiles moves around the trees.

A clap of thunder has Stiles' mother calling for him, and Stiles sighs in annoyance before moving to walk towards her. He likes playing in the rain, but he's usually not allowed too. Not since he got sick with a cold when he spent all afternoon in the rain. He puts his wooden sword away before walking up to his mother with a smile, and she takes his hand while they walk back towards the castle for lunch.


Stiles has trouble focusing on things that aren't of any interest to him, and his father often fondly scolds him when he has to repeat himself at dinner. "Sorry, Father." Stiles says, and John readjusts Stiles' paper crown on his head with a fond smile.

"I said it seems that you and your mother had fun today." John says, and Stiles smiles at him before moving to sit on his knees so he can be closer to his father. His mother raises an eyebrow at him as if to say he needs to sit on his backside, and Stiles pouts but does so. They never put his chair close enough to his father's and he's not strong enough to move the heavy iron chair. Luckily, John notices it and pulls him closer making Stiles giggle at how strong his father is.

"We did! I killed all the monsters and saved her!" Stiles says, and his father smiles at him while Claudia gives him a fond look.

"He did. I was in grave danger, but I was saved but a brave young prince." Claudia says, and Stiles beams at his mother while he nods his head.

"I did! I'm a brave prince!" Stiles tells his father, nodding his head rapidly while he gets on his knees again to look more at his father. John laughs softly while he continues to eat and Stiles stabs at his food before his mother clucks her tongue at his lack of manners. "Sorry, Mama." Stiles says, sitting down properly before eating like the prince he is.

"Thank you, Stiles." Claudia says, and she smiles at him. Stiles beams at her, he loves making his parents happy, and he finishes his dinner. He's not allowed to leave the table until John or Claudia dismisses him. "You may go play, Stiles." Claudia tells him, and Stiles rushes out his seat to go play in the hall. There's several suits of armor in the hallway, it's where he likes to play at night or when it's raining and he cannot go outside to play, and he rushes towards there with his toys.

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