Werewolf Protection Program

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Requested by stephanielovewolf. It's based on Princess Protection Program which is some movie I've never seen so I just read a synopsis of it. 


Derek gives his mother an unimpressed look while she moves around the room,tapping on her phone while she talks to Derek's father on the phone.He doesn't know for sure that it's him she's talking to to but she's said "you're an idiot" and "don't be fucking stupid for once in your life" so Derek's pretty sure that it's him. His parents have been separated for almost ten years, and Derek has never really seen them not fight even when they were married. "Mom, I'm going for a walk." Derek says, and Talia snaps her fingers at him to sit back down.

"No.I'm not being irrational when I want you to show up at your own son's coronation or does he being an Alpha meaning nothing to you?!"Talia hisses into the phone, and Derek hears his father makes some sort of vague apologies that are directed toward Derek more than her not that she ever tells Derek his apologies since Derek doesn't think that he's really sorry. "Look, just be here in two hours in time for the small ceremony or I will hunt you down and pump silver into your dick hole." Talia says, and Derek snorts making his mother wave at him to keep quiet. "Good." Talia says, hanging up on Derek's father before she turns towards Derek.

"Yeah,yeah, yeah. I'm getting ready for my party." Derek sighs, moving to stand up while he moves to go to his room to put on the ridiculous suit that his mother is making him wear since it's traditional for the party. "I'm ready to be Alpha, Mother, but I wish I didn't have to do this. I'm not a party person, you know this but you've been doing this for months. I'm twenty-one, I should be able to just take the Alphaship without a party." Derek tries to argue one last time,but it's obviously not going to help his case any since Talia gives him a bored look. "I think you're doing this to get back at Father." Derek tells her, and Talia sighs before putting her hands on his shoulders.

"I do lots of things to spite your father, but this isn't one of them. I  want you to have a nice coronation to look back on, okay? Just do this for me." Talia tells him, and Derek huffs before nodding his head. He hates when she says to do something for her because it often involves him doing something he hates, but he's unable to say no to her when she gets like that. "Get dressed, dear." She tells him,and Derek sighs as he nods his head before making his way to his room with a glum expression on his face. He already wants this to be over.


Derek moves to pull on the itchy shirt that he's wearing while he moves to try from the room with an annoyed hum, and his mother gives him a dirty look so he moves to go talk to his sisters so it doesn't look like he's being antisocial. He is, but he doesn't want it to look like he is. "The coronation starts in ten minutes so in like twenty minutes, you'll be our Alpha." Cora says, sounding like she's teasing but also likes she's happy for him. "Alpha Hale.Legendary." She adds, and she moves to disappear into the crowd when she sees their dad.

"Son!Congratulations are in order! Hopefully you'll be a better Alpha than you're mother." Derek's father says, and Derek growls in annoyance at him while he moves to walk away from him. His eyes are a mixture of red and blue, still a beta but turning in Alpha, and he moves to get away from his father. He really wishes that his mother hadn't insisted that he came but he's not coming in between his mother and party planning. Laura seems to take pity on her siblings since she takes their father to go look at her law degree, their dad didn't go to her graduation but he wants to see it regardless, and Derek seems to be able to relax more when they're gone.

"It's starting, Derek. I'll get Laura, okay?" Talia says, her voice lacedwith annoyance but Derek knows that it's not directed at him so he smiles at her while he moves to go stand in the spot where he was told to when they practiced this over and over again. "Ladies and Gentlemen. I want to draw your attention to my son, Derek Samuel Hale. Today is the day that I step down as the Alpha of the Hale family and pass the right to my eldest son. He is a good man, a good werewolf, and above all a good leader." Talia says, and Derek steps forward towards their emissary so he can do the ceremony. Derek smiles some at Deaton, and he moves to wait for his mother to stand beside him.

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