Muscles (Mature Content)

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Requested by TheThingInYourCloset. But GeorgettHernandez2 wanted smut so I'm just going to add them into this. 


       "Has anyone seen Stiles?" Scott asks, walking into the kitchen of the Hale house to lean against the island table. Boyd shrugs his shoulders while Jackson just ignores him in favor of playing a game on his phone. "Seriously? Anyone?" Scott asks, impatient.

"What are you yelling about?" Lydia asks, walking into the room with Erica both girls in work out gear with leaves in their hair like they had just came inside from running the trails in the woods outside of the Hale house.

"Have you seen Stiles?" Scott asks, and both girls shake their hands as they help themselves to water from the refrigerator. "Hmm. It's Friday, he's usually here doing work for his freshman literature class or something." Scott says, frowning while he moves to sit on the counter top. Derek hates when any of the pups sit on the counter, once Jackson wasn't paying attention and fell off cracking his skull on the tile floor, but Derek's not here. They aren't sure where he is, he's the Alpha he doesn't have to tell them where he's goes but he's probably out running.

"Maybe he's spending the weekend at Berkeley?" Lydia says, and Scott frowns as he thinks.

"No, Stiles never spends the weekend at school unless he has an exam or something." Scott says,and Erica struggles are shoulders. "Plus, I'm pretty sure that Mom said that he spent the night at John's last night so he is here in Beacon Hills." Scott says, and no one is really paying him any attention anymore.

"We could check the cameras?" Jackson suggests, finally paying attention to the conversation going on around him. "To see if he's been here today or if he's hiding out in one of Derek's hidden rooms?" Jackson says, and Erica snorts.

"Derek doesn't have secret rooms here, dumbass." Erica tells him, rolling her eyes as she moves to turn on the small television that they have in the kitchen where the security systems are attached too. "Let's see then." Erica says, looking through them.

"What is with you and spying on Stiles?" Scott asks, and she glares at him while she flips through the split screens. Scott watches as the screen flip over to the living room where Kira and Liam are are watching television, Kira is talking about the show while Liam nods his head while playing on his phone, before going to all of their empty bedrooms. "Pretty sure when Derek put in the cameras it was to make sure that no one got into the house, not so we could spy on each other." Scott points out.

"Shut up, McCall." Erica tells him, and she sighs in frustration when they don't see anything on the cameras. The cameras flash to the front door then to the backyard, and then to the basement where they finally see Stiles working out with Derek's weight set. "There he is." Erica comments, and Scott moves to see Stiles better.

Stiles is sweating even with the black and white cameras, and his tongue is poking out of his mouth in concentration as he pushes the weight above his head as he lifts. "What do you want to bet that he's listening to Eye of the Tiger or something?" Erica jokes, and Scott snorts in amusement while he pushes her playfully.

"I wonder how long he's been down there." Scott says, and Jackson makes a humming noise of curiosity.

"He's lifting pretty heavy weights." Jackson comments, and Stiles keeps moving as he lifts the weights up and down over his head. "It's not fair that Stiles gets to use Derek's gym." Jackson pouts, and Scott snorts in amusement.

"Stiles gets away with anything when it comes to Derek." Scott tells him, frowning in confusion when he thinks about how his best friend can get away with anything when it comes to Derek. He thinks that maybe it has something to do with the fact that Stiles is human, or maybe it has to do with the sly little looks that they give each other when they think no one is watching.

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