I Know You (I Walked With You Once Upon A Dream)

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This is a Maleficent!AU requested by emma_and_orlando. Enjoy. 


 Stiles takes a deep breath as he walks through the forest, his forest, and he scratches his long claws along the trees to show that he protected this land as his. His claws are beautiful,long and black that are sharp, and he looks at them as he walks. He liked protecting his land, he wanted the creatures inside and the humans that sometimes accidentally wonder in to be safe, and he turns when he hears the sounds of horses trotting towards him. He slinks into the shadows as he watches them, and his eyes narrow in suspicion as he sees King Lahey's carriage. He doesn't like the King, he seems cruel, and Stiles watches him to make sure that he doesn't try anything to him.

Stiles pulls his black cloak around his lithe body as he wonders around the forest as he keeps an eye on the men, his claws scratching silently at the trees as he watches him. The King walks through the forest, as if he's looking for something, and Stiles watches him with guarded eyes. The king looks around, his eyes tracing everything. Stiles stays still as he watches him, and he waits for him. "Come out, faerie!" The king yells,and Stiles slinks more into the shadows. There is always some one looking for him, they want him dead or something else from him, and he moves to stay hidden away from him.

"Maybe he isn't here, Your Grace." A knight says, and the King rolls his eyes at him while he waves them away. He thinks that Stiles might not be showing himself since he's with so many other people, the faerie probably feels threatened, and when he's alone he looks around. The king still doesn't see the protector of the forest, and he looks around before he sees a bird on a low branch. He grabs the bird in his hands, and squeezes it tightly in his hands.

Stiles growls low in his throat as he moves to make himself noticed, he's not going to let any of his children of the forest get hurt when he is their protector, and he walks out to look at him with black eyes. "Leave my forest."Stiles growls at him, and the King doesn't say anything to him as he watches him. "Get out." Stiles tells him, showing him his claws as he moves to circle around him. Stiles doesn't see the dart coming,it hits him in the neck, and his eyes flutter as he turns to look at the King.

Stiles breathes in as he tries to stand up to get away, but he only manages a few steps until he's falling down and slipping into unconsciousness.


Stiles slowly starts to blink himself awake, and he looks up at the sun. Stiles licks his dry lips as he moves to look at the sun, and he sits up to rub at his face.Stiles gasps as he looks down at his hands, and they're covered in blood. His beautiful claws are gone, his hands reek of silver, and he pants as he looks at his bare hands. "My claws." Stiles whispers,and he stares at his bloodied hands. He looks at them for a few seconds before he's crying out loudly in anguish as he stares at them.

He doesn't know why the King didn't kill him, maybe he couldn't kill him, and Stiles screams loudly as he cradles his hands towards himself before falling down to the side as he sobs for the loss of his claws. Stiles looks at his hands before he gets filled with a rush of hate, and he wants revenge. Stiles stands on shaky legs as he thinks of a plan, and he needs a companion to help him. He turns his head when he sees a black wolf walking towards him, probably waiting to investigate the cause of Stiles'grief, and Stiles looks at him. "Come here, wolf." Stiles says,and the wolf walks forwards towards him.

"I need your help. Will you help me?" Stiles asks, and the wolf bows his head. Stiles places a hand on the wolf's shoulder and he whispers a spell into the air. He stands back as the wolf starts transforming into a human, and Stiles takes off his cloak to cover his nakedness. The wolf seems unsteady on two legs, but he has a determined look on his face. "Good. Come with me." Stiles tells him, and the wolf bows his head once as he follows him.

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