I Hate You (And Other Annoying Things Preteens Say)

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Okay, few things. This was requested by Shake_n_Blake, and it talks about menstrual cycles. Any person that comments gross or icky or something else immature will have their comments deleted. Don't try me. Also don't leave me comments saying  'not all twelve year old's act like that' because yes they do. I did, you did, they all do. 


        “Princess, it's time to get up.” Stiles says, shaking his eldest daughter awake. He and Derek had been trying to get her to set an alarm for herself to make her more responsible but so far that only made her and her siblings late for school. “Okay, now, Lilly Erica. Up.” Stiles says, firmly. Lilly makes a dying noise as she rolls over to hide her head under her covers, and Stiles slaps her bottom with a smack making her flip over gracelessly.

“Okay, fine. I'm up!” She hisses, her curly hair wide over her face. It was hard to believe that she wasn't biologically related to Derek or Stiles since she took after Derek in his personality. “God.” Lilly hisses, and Stiles manages to not rolling his eyes at her before going to wake up the other kids. Lilly's the oldest, and the only human, of Stiles and Derek's children and the hardest to wake up. Which is understandable given that she's twelve and likes sleep, but not on a school day. “Don't forget my dance tonight.” Lilly tells him, and Stiles stops to look at her.

“I know, Lils. Pop is chaperoning remember?” Stiles says, and he hears his daughter's indignant gasp.

“What?! Why didn't you tell me?! I don't want to go now.” Lilly says, and Stiles waves her away as he heads towards the boys room counting his lucky stars that the baby wasn't up yet. The baby that was left on his and Derek's doorstep two months ago with a note saying 'please take care of her'. Stiles creeps quietly into the boys room, knowing by the rapid rise and fall of their chests that they're awake, and he flops down on the bed earning him squeaks.

Nathan and Nicklaus are werewolves, and identical twins down to their smirks, and followed Derek everywhere which means school is some sort of a battle until Derek steps in to tell them to go. “Morning, Nic and Nate.” Stiles tells them, and the tackle him.

“Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!” They yell over each other, neither telling him anything important just wanting his attention. They're usually up before Stiles comes in the room, and he can tell that they're already dressed for the day in matching clothes.

“Alright, boys. Go get breakfast, second grade waits for no man!” Stiles tells them, and they hop off the bed in search of Derek. Stiles shakes his head fondly before going to once more make sure that Lilly hasn't crawled back into bed, she's been known to do that in the past, she's getting dressed in front of her mirror inspecting her shirt carefully.

A loud, shrill cry rings through the house and Stiles smiles knowing that Penny is up. He walks carefully towards the nursery where he sees her through her crib as she waves her hands wildly in the air while she pouts and babbles. “Someone is up late.” Stiles says, softly. When Penny sees him she makes a cry of happiness while flinging her arms out for him, and Stiles picks her gently to cradle him towards his chest.

Stiles changes her diaper with well practiced ability since Derek “Stiles, I Have A Super Sniffer That Can Handle Blood, Death, Guts But Not The Smell Of Baby Poop” doesn't like to do it unless he absolutely has to. Penny makes noise the entire time he cleans her up, making upset noises sometimes since she doesn't like lotion on her skin, but for the most part she's a happy baby. “Come on, baby, you hungry?” Stiles says, cooing in his voice reserved specially for children.

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