First Meetings (Part One of the Man On The Train Series)

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Another Sterek series 


        There's a man that rides on the same subway as Derek that he cannot stop himself from looking forward to seeing him. Derek supposes that it wouldn't be as strange if the man and he actually talked, but they haven't. Sure, there's been careful smiles and at once time the man waved at him but that's all that happened.

It all started one day when Derek decided that he didn't want to drive to work anymore, the traffic was a nightmare and Derek lacks patience, and Derek doesn't really remember the exact day. He remembers getting on the subway, going towards the back to avoid talking to anyone, and it's halfway through the ride does Derek smell it. It's an unfamiliar scent that Derek has never been able to place there or since, and it floods Derek's senses. It smells like honey, or something as sweet, and with a bitter pang Derek can smell the scent of family and pack.

It's something that Derek hasn't smelled or felt in too long. He's an Alpha without a pack, he didn't feel like he could build his own pack now that his family was dead, and so it was odd to feel like that to him. He turns his head to look for the sweet smell when he sees a man, and he knows that it's him making the delicious scent. The man is on his phone, texting away to someone who is making him smile, and Derek cannot stop staring. The man looks up from his phone to see Derek staring, and he gives him an odd look before smiling softly and waving.

It's the start of something beautiful, Derek hopes.


It continues on like this, waves and head nods of greeting. Eventually, Derek manages to stand next to him on the ride. There's an urge to bury his head into the man's neck to smell his sweet scent, but Derek knows not to do that. He wonders if this man is his mate or something like that, he's only ever heard about mates through his mother and he thinks this is what it is.

Derek wonders what the man would do if Derek walked over and started to speak to him, he thinks he would panic since Derek isn't the best at socializing anymore. He doesn't have to deal with people at his job, he doesn't even need to work but he cannot stay all day in the house where his family burned to death even if it's been rebuild. The man would probably been freaked out behind belief, and Derek cannot handle that.

Derek eventually learns the man's name is Stiles when his friend rides the subway with him, and Derek is instantly jealous of their closeness. He sees Stiles sort of point to him, but he cannot hear what he whispers to his friend. Probably something along the lines of “there's that creepy guy that stares at me everyday, and I caught him sniffing around me once”, and the awkwardness of the moment makes Derek flinch.

So Stiles stays on the other side of the subway some days, and some days he stands by Derek or rides with a friend. Derek continues waving at him when he gets on, and when he gets off the stop before Derek's. Yet they never talk, it's almost as though they don't need to. Derek admires him from a far, it's less creepy than it sounds, and Stiles usually just listen to music that Derek can hear through his head phones.

Derek suspects that Stiles works in a bakery, which would explain the sweet scent and the fact that he works early in the morning until mid afternoon like Derek, and he does sort of sniff at him. Not like a dog or anything, he really just smells the air around Stiles, and he does smell like sweets. It's usually hard to pick apart the scents that are Stiles' from the other people in the subway car. It's easier when he's standing next to Stiles, that way when the subway hitches Stiles knocks into him and Derek can smell Stiles on him for hours, and Stiles doesn't seem to mean the closeness.

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