One Cold Day

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Blah. Blah. Blah. Love you guys. Blah. Blah. Blah. 


        It was all Stiles' fault really when he thinks about now, he was the one that wanted to go see his father who lived almost thirty miles away. It was a stupid thing to do when the snow was still falling, the roads still icy, and the winds still chilling. Stiles held his son, Caeden, as close to his body as he can while they ride on the horse. Caeden is shivering, and Stiles isn't really sure where they are at the moment.

“Daddy, I'm really cold.” Caeden  whines, and Stiles holds him closer to his body. They cannot keep going on like this, and Stiles sees a large house in the distance. He kicks the horse forward that in that direction while Stiles coos softly at his son to stay awake until they get there. There isn't a barn,but the horse will be fine.

“Come on, lovely.” Stiles says, pulling Caeden down from the horse and on to his hip. Caeden burrows his head into Stiles' neck, and Stiles opens his long jacket up to cover him up with it as well. He leaves the horse tied up while he knocks hard on the large door, hoping to get an answer. “Hello! My son and I need some place to stay until the storm is over. I have some money with me to offer you!” Stiles pleads, judging by how nice and large the house is whomever owns it doesn't need the money.

Stiles swears he can hear whispering inside for a moment before the door swings open, and Stiles rushes in with his son in tow. It's warmer inside, but not entirely. Stiles is just grateful to be out of the cold completely, and Caeden is busy looking around. “Hello?” Stiles calls just after Caeden yells out a 'hi'. Stiles chuckles at his son before kissing his cheek, and Caeden wrinkles his nose before pressing his cold, little hands against Stiles' cheeks to push him away.

“Why don't you two come by the fire to warm up?” Stiles hears, and he turns around to see who spoke to him but he cannot see anyone.

“Daddy.” Caeden says, and Stiles shrugs his shoulders while he moves to sit down in large chair to pull Caeden into his lap. Caeden rubs his large eyes, that are amber brown just like his father's, with his tiny fist. “Tired.” Caeden whines, and Stiles tucks him into his side and under his coat once more. They had a busy day with Stiles' father, a fun day but busy, it wasn't that cold when they left this morning. Caeden loved his grandfather, and John was crazy about his grandchild. Stiles knew that he needed to get home before morning to go to work before dropping off Caeden at Scott's and his wife who watch him while Stiles' works.

“Go to sleep then, love.” Stiles tells him, and Caeden blinks up at him while he rests his head on Stiles' shoulder. Caeden is small for his age, he's only three, and he fits perfectly into Stiles' arm where he can cradle him protectively to his body. “I love you.” Stiles whispers, and Caeden reaches up to tangle his hands into Stiles' shirt.

Stiles watches the fire as he rocks Caeden in his arms while he sleeps, and he hears a soft growling noise to his left. Stiles turns his head to the side, and all he can make out is red eyes in the dark. “Why are you here?” Stiles hears, and he tucks Caeden into his side to hide him as he stands up.

“I just needed to go some place out of the cold.” Stiles says, carefully. Stiles hears a low growling sound and he turns to see the man who just spoke walking into the light, and Stiles gasps softly when he can make out his face. The man, Stiles isn't sure he is a man, has large teeth that look sharp. He has tuffs of fur that are growing out of the sides of his face, and his eyes are blood red. A wave of fear passes through Stiles, and he tries to hide Caeden from the man's view.

“You just wanted to see the werewolves that the villager talk about.” The man growls, and Stiles shakes his head rapidly.

“I'm not even from this village, I was visiting my father.” Stiles tells him, and the man growls loudly at him. The noise seems to wake Caeden and he turns over to burrow his head farther into Stiles' coat. Stiles cradles him closer to his body, hoping that this monstrous person didn't see him, but Caeden turns again making his wild curly brown hair that hangs over his head like a halo over his face poke out just where he can be seen. Stiles holds him tight as he looks at the man, hoping that he isn't going to hurt his son, and the man's face seemingly softens at the sight of Caeden.

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