The Road Less Traveled

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Stiles' feet hurt, his back hurts, and his arms are tired from carrying Amber all this way. His home was burned to the ground by hunter, and he only had time to get the children together before he ran towards the forest. Stiles has been running for months, stopping only to drink water and rest for moments at time, and it was hard to do with five children with him. They're not all his, only Amber is his daughter,but he's all they have now. There's two girls, counting his daughter,and three boys all that age from a few months to eleven. He can feel it in his heart that none of his pack survived, but he doesn't have time to grieve.

His pack were vicious fighters, he didn't fit in which is why he was in charge of the children, but they were his pack. Stiles knows that his husband is dead, and he find that he doesn't care since the only good thing about him was that he gave Stiles his daughter. That's not entire true, he was a good Alpha but Stiles didn't like that he was forced to marry him. Stiles was the most beautiful member of his pack, so naturally, he married the Alpha.

Amber cries out, she's hungry but Stiles doesn't have time to feed her yet,and the other children look around. Stiles turns his head when he hears something, and he moves to pull them closer to himself. "Wait."Stiles says, softly. Ash, a young boy of nine that looks like his father, digs his hands into Stiles' shirt, and Stiles shushes him once as he looks around. He doesn't see anything and he moves to take a step forward.

Nothing happens, and Stiles leans his head back to sniff at the air and he doesn't catch the scent of anything. He's not sure where they are or where they're going now that they're just wondering around. His old pack didn't have allies, they lots of enemies, and he's not sure anyone is going to help them. "Where are we going?" Sage asks him, and Stiles sighs as he pushes her more towards the trees. She huffs but does as she's told, and Stiles is worried that she's not as okay as she seems. Sage keeps limping every so often, but when Stiles asks she tells him she's fine.

Stiles is grateful that his daughter is the only one that can't walk, he carried Rox on his back some since he was only four, but mostly they walked. It was slow but Stiles doesn't mind since he was so tired,and he stops when he smells something. Ajax, the eldest, stops too.Stiles looks at him for a second as if to ask what he heard. There's the sound of a bullet whooshing in the air and Stiles turns his head in time for it to miss him. "Scatter!" Stiles screams loudly, and the children run in all different directions.

Stiles wraps his arms around Amber as he runs, he's so tired he's not going to be able to run that quickly or for that long, and he turns his head to see that two people are chasing him. He hopes that they're just coming after him and not the children, but he does have his daughter with him. She doesn't appreciate being carried while her father runs, and Stiles moves to hide quickly. Stiles turns his head when he hears a loud howl from a wolf that he doesn't know, and Stiles doesn't know if he has any other choice so he tilts his head to howl back for help.


Derek is laying on his back on the floor in the living room while Lydia rests her feet on his stomach, and she looks at him. "This is sad."She says, and Derek nods his head while he moves to turn his head to look at her. "We should not be the only ones without plans on a Saturday." Lydia says, and Derek chuckles as he nods his head. "I mean, you never have plans so that's no shocker but I should be on a  date or something." Lydia sighs, and Derek chuckles softly again.

"What about Parrish?" Derek says, and Lydia rolls her eyes. "You're a strong, independent woman. You should ask him on a date." Derek says, grabbing her ankles while she she rolls her eyes. Derek looks at her, and she thumps his forehead. "Ow." Derek mumbles, and she grins at him. "Anyways, Scott and Isaac should be back in a few minutes so we won't be alone for too much longer." Derek adds on,and Lydia nods her head.

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