Lazy Sunday (Mature Content)

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This was requested by GeorgettHernandez2. It was supposed to be up yesterday, but I had homework. Also, I'm close to tears over the lack of contest entries. You guys think about that.


        Derek rolls over onto his back with a happy sigh, and he can feel the warm sunlight shining through the curtains in the bedroom. He isn't fully awake yet when he feels someone crawl on top of him to keep him fully on the bed. Derek rubs his eyes when he feels his husband run his nose over his jaw before rubbing their cheeks together. “What 'ou doin', love?” Derek mumbles, and he feels Stiles chuckle softly against his skin.

“Scenting you. Staking my claim and all that.” Stiles tells him, biting down on his jaw playfully. Derek chuckles to himself while he wraps his arms around Stiles to bring him impossibly closer to him while his eyes get heavy again.

“You can't smell me with your non werewolf nose.” Derek points out, and Stiles makes a humming noise while he runs his warm hand on Derek's stomach.

“But you can smell me on you.” Stiles points out, and Derek scoffs in amusement while he noses his face into Stiles' sweet smelling hair. “You're so warm.” Stiles sighs happily, and Derek smiles at him while he chuckles him closer.

“What do you want to do today?” Derek asks, turning over onto the bed dragging Stiles with him as he goes. Stiles laughs loudly when he moves and Derek buries his head into Stiles' neck where he mouths at the skin. “We could go hiking in the woods, or jogging, or go to the movies?” Derek says, and Stiles groans loudly while he wraps his around Derek's waist.

“Counter offer. We stay in all day. Preferably in bed or in the kitchen for food.” Stiles says, and Derek pretends to think about it. “Come on. We'll go hiking and all that with the pack next weekend.” Stiles says, and Derek sighs in faux anger before he kisses his shoulder before trailing kisses up his neck before meeting his lips.

“Fine.” Derek says, and Stiles grins at him triumphantly. “But you have to make breakfast.” Derek says, and Stiles gasps indignantly while Derek pokes him in the ribs while he laughs. “Deal, babe?” Derek asks, and Stiles tries to glare at him while Derek tickles him.

“Deal! Dammit, Der. Deal!” Stiles says, laughing. Derek kisses him in rapid succession before rolling over. “I'll go now since you asked so nicely.” Stiles says, and Derek grins at him while he turns to to throw the covers over Stiles. “Rude.” Stiles hisses, and Derek laughs as he wraps his arms around Stiles' waist.

“I love you.” Derek tells him, and Stiles grins before he moves to stand up to rush to the bathroom before Derek. Derek smiles at the ceiling as he listens to Stiles brush his teeth, and when Stiles leaves the bathroom he goes after him. Derek brushes his teeth after washing his hands, and he can already smell Stiles making pancakes in the kitchen.

Derek walking into the kitchen to see Stiles flipping the pancakes on the griddle and Derek sneaks up behind him to wrap his arm around his waist to hook his chin on Stiles' shoulder. “Smells good.” Derek tells him, kissing Stiles' neck while Stiles hums in answer.

“Well, I do make the best pancakes.” Stiles tells him, and Derek grins as he burrows his face into Stiles' neck to smells his sweet scent. “Oh, now you're scenting me. I see how it is.” Stiles tells him, and Derek drags his beard over Stiles' neck in answer. They smell like each other, have for years, and Derek loves the way his musky smell mixes with Stiles' sweet and spicy one. It smells like home to Derek, like happiness and just them, so Derek greedily breathes him in.

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