Somebody Told Me

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Requested by Whovian0499. Enjoy.


Stiles is struggling over a math problem in the pack house, sitting at the table in the kitchen, and he huffs to himself as he erases all the work that he has to continue from the first step. "Having trouble with college algebra?" He hears, and he turns his head to look at Derek and he smiles at the older man. It's nice to be able to do his homework here, not having to deal with the total quiet like his house is when his father at work, he works best with soft silence in the background.

"Yeah. I figured how hard could it be?" Stiles says, sighing when he starts to continue to work on a problem. It's hard to focus with Derek right there, but the wolf makes it worse when he leans over Stiles' shoulder to read the problem. Stiles can smell the faint smell of aftershave and toothpaste, and Stiles bites back a shiver when Derek reaches over to point at something on his laptop. Stiles swallows thickly as he looks at him, and he turns his head almost bumping his nose against Derek's jaw. It makes him blush, but he doesn't think that Derek noticed. Or at last he hopes that he hasn't. "So? Any ideas on how to help me?" Stiles asks him, smiling some nervously.

Derek doesn't answer him right away, but Stiles can see the wheels turning in his head as he reads the problem. "It's B." Derek tells him, and Stiles looks at him with a questioning look. "I'm telling you its B." Derek tells him, and Stiles clicks on B before answering the question. He's not surprised when the answer is right. Derek is always seems so knowledgeable on almost everything subject under the sun. "See?" Derek says, and he smiles at him.

"How did you do that? I mean it takes me like twenty minutes to answer the question and work out the problem." Stiles asks him, and Derek rolls his eyes before he pulls Stiles' notebook to him and he works out a problem with a soft smile. Stiles watches him carefully and he smiles at him while he starts to understand the problem now that Derek is showing him how to do it. "I knew that I shouldn't have taken this class online." Stiles sighs, and Derek chuckles at him while he moves to go to the kitchen.

"You seem that you'd be good at math." Derek comments, and Stiles laughs as he shakes his head. He stands up to follow after him to the kitchen, his eyes hurting from looking at the computer for so long, and he sighs as he goes to his section of the refrigerator. "I got you some more energy drinks since you're always here." Derek tells him, and Stiles snorts in amusement as he looks at him.

"Is that you're way of saying that I'm here too much?" Stiles asks him, popping off the top of an energy drink and he smiles at him while he drains the lukewarm energy drink with a soft smile. He doesn't want to tell Derek that he just likes being around the other man, that Derek makes it easier for him to focus and to do his work, so he just doesn't say anything to him. "Maybe I just like it here." Stiles says, and Derek shrugs his shoulders. Stiles thinks that he imagines Derek's cheeks turning pink at the words.

"Yeah, well." Derek says, rolling his eyes as he moves around the room to get started on some dinner. Stiles watches him move around the room, he's a little surprised that someone as bulky as Derek can move with such grace, it's a little hypnotic. "Are you staying for dinner?" Derek asks him, and Stiles sighs as he nods his head.

"Yeah, Dad is working a double. I could make something for the pack if you want." Stiles says, and Derek waves him away. Most of the pack is away at college, it's still nice to have Derek here and Scott, and he smiles at him while he starts to make spaghetti. "Are you sure? I'm always here the least I can do is make us dinner? Are Erica and Isaac coming over?" Stiles asks him, and Derek nods his head. Stiles smiles at him while he sits on the cabinet to watch Derek cook, it's oddly domestic and it feels so nice, and Stiles just enjoys the silence that they're sharing. Erica and Isaac will storm in within a few minutes, so this is perfect for now.

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