Never Bet Against Scott And Stiles (Or How Stupid Idiot Is A Term Of Endearment)

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Requested by ziammann. Please check out my new books and Fox Tails and Nursing Majors, both of which were updated. 


        “I'm just going on record as saying that this is the worst idea in all ideas that you've ever had.” Scott informs Stiles, and Stiles waves him away as he looks through his binoculars out of his Jeep. “Your windows aren't tinted and I'm pretty sure he can hear you.” Scott informs him, and Stiles turns away from the window to glare at his best friend.

“Shut up. I'm not losing this game to Isaac and Liam, okay?” Stiles tells him, and Scott glares at him while he snatches the binoculars from him.

“What about Lydia and Kira?” Scott asks, and Stiles snorts at him before taking the binoculars back to watch Derek walking into a pharmacy. “What do you think he's buying? We don't get sick.” Scott says, and Stiles snorts as he looks at his best friend.

“I bet it's lube.” Stiles says, and Scott makes a disgusted noise as he rolls his eyes. The game was simple who ever could find, and take a picture of, their Alpha doing the most ridiculous thing would win the ridiculous bet that Stiles made over two months ago. So far the closes that either of them got to doing that was Lydia snapping a picture of him making a smoothie in his sweatpants. “Come on if we snap a picture of him buying lube that would make us the winners.” Stiles says, excitedly.

Scott doesn't bother to answer and they both yipped when they both heard a knock on the door, and Stiles throws the binoculars onto the floor when they see that it's Derek glaring at them. Stiles flails a little as he tries to roll down his window. “Hey, Derek. Alpha. Sir. Derek Hale.” Stiles rambles, and Derek gives him a bored look.

“Why aren't you two at Berkeley?” Derek deadpans, and Stiles beams at him while he answers.

“It's spring break, dude.” Stiles tells him, and Scott is busy looking at his phone while he tries not to pay attention to Derek.

“Don't call me dude.” Derek tells him, and with that he turns around walk back to his car. Stiles and Scott collectively sigh in relief, and he leans his forehead against the steering wheel of his Jeep.

“That was terrifying.” Scott sighs, and Stiles smiles at him while he starts the Jeep. “All I got is a picture of him kind of arguing with the sales guy about the price of a bag of almonds that was supposedly on sell.” Scott tells him, swiping through his phone to look at the pictures they took today. “Liam and Isaac have a picture of him shaving so that's probably better than this.” Scott tells him, and Stiles frowns.

“Once again. I will not lose to the Scott McCall fan club.” Stiles tells him,and Scott rolls his eyes at that. “Don't roll your eyes at me, son.” Stiles hisses at him, and Scott thumps him on the forehead for the effort. “Ow.” Stiles whines, and Scott frowns before leaning across to kiss the spot he thumped making Stiles smiles at him.

Stiles and Scott's phone beep at the same time with group message from Derek saying that there's a packing meeting tonight at the loft,and Stiles sighs as he puts his phone away. They were getting so close to winning this stupid bet, the prize Stiles couldn't even think of at the moment, and Stiles was getting aggravated at the fact that none of them were close to getting a picture. “Why does he do nothing embarrassing or cute or anything.” Stiles says, throwing his hands up in the air before cranking the Jeep.

“Cute is a word I would use to describe Derek Hale.” Scott supplies, buckling his seat belt since even though he's a werewolf he still believes in road safety.

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