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Titantic!AU requested by emma_and_orlando. 


        “Dad, are you sure you two don't mind doing this?” Rose asks, and Stiles waves her away as he takes Leo into his arms. “I mean it's all day, and watching two kids and a toddler isn't easy.” She says, and Stiles snorts.

“Yes, because you and Jack were such well behaved children.” Stiles says, and he hears Derek make a 'ha!' noise from the kitchen. “You better not be picking up Gale in there! You know Dr. Thanes said about lifting. I know your back still hurts!” Stiles calls, and Derek comes into the living room with their blonde grandchild in his arms.

“You say no to this little face.” Derek says, and Gale laughs while she pats at Derek's face making him nip at her little fingers.

“Pop Pop, no!” Gale cries, and Derek laughs loudly while he carries her to the kitchen. She's quite the little devil, even though she's only five, so Stiles makes sure he keeps a close eye on her. Leo is only eighteen months old, still barely barely speaking, and the oldest is Steven who is ten.

“Grandpa!” Steven cries, and Stiles leans down to hugs Steven. Leo must think that his grandfather is trying to put him down so he screeches loudly in protest, making Stiles laugh softly as he cuddles him closer to himself. “He's always doing that.” Steven tells him, and Stiles laughs.

“Okay, Dad. I've got to go. I left the number to the office if you need me.” Rose says, and both Stiles and Derek nods their heads. This isn't the first time they've watches their grandchildren, and they raised two children all on their own so they know what they're doing.

“Bye, Rosie. We've got this.” Derek tells her, she waves over her shoulder as she goes back to her car. “So, my lovelies. What do you want to do today?” Derek asks, putting down Gale as she struggles out of his grip. Steven is nosing his head against Stiles' side while Leo is crawling around on the floor, being watches carefully by both his grandfathers, and Derek waits to be answered. “Well?” Derek laughs.

“Lunch!” Steven cries, and Stiles laughs.

“You heard him, Der. Lunch.” Stiles says, and he herds the children into their kitchen while he makes them something to eat. Derek picks up Leo who slobbers all over his shoulder before patting his face with equally slobbery hands, and Derek blows a raspberry on his cheek while he carries him to the kitchen.

The kids eat in a hurry before running outside to play, and Stiles and Derek sit on the pouch to watch them. Leo dozes in Stiles lap while Derek keeps a watchful and careful eye on his grandchildren, making sure they don't hurt themselves or get hurt. It's a nice day, the sun is shining and the temperature is cool but not cold. “Nice day.” Stiles comments, and he turns when he hears the phone ring and Derek moves to stand. “Maybe it's not us.” Stiles says, and the phone rings twice before stopping and ringing again. “See? Not us.” Stiles says, and Derek sits back down.

“I was hoping it was Jack calling from Boston.” Derek frowns, and Stiles chuckles softly to himself while he cradles Leo closer to him.

“Well, college is a busy time.” Stiles assures him, and Derek sighs as he nods his head smiling when Steven and Gale run to the porch. “Yes?” Stiles asks, and Gale laughs in delight when Derek drags her into his lap while Steven sits down to lean his head on Stiles' legs.

“We're bored!” Steven announces, and Stiles chuckles softly to himself.

“Well, what do you want us to do about it?” Stiles asks, and Steven pauses to think before he speaks again.

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