Stiles and Derek In The Wild West

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Requested by Dini_Hale_Stilinski


        Derek watches another person walk into the bank, and he grins to himself as he moves to get ready to go inside. He's robbing the bank today, it's just another bank in another town, and he smiles to himself as he moves to put the bandanna over his nose trying to hide his identity. He loads his gun before moving to walk towards the entrance towards the bank. “Already everyone this is a hold up!” Derek yells, and he pauses when he sees that everyone is already laying on the ground.

“Sorry, darling. You're a little too late.” Someone says, and Derek turns to see a man in long coat, brown trousers, and a mask. Derek growls at him, not this guy again. He'd been at three other banks Derek's robbed in the past four months, and they started an almost rivalry. “Now, the money.” He tells the teller, and the man hands over the money.

“You are ridiculous. You look like a show character.” Derek tells him, and the man glares at him. Derek moves to quickly take the rest of the money before the man can get to it, and the man glares at him. “Well, always good to see you princess.” Derek says, and he can see the man's eyes narrow from behind the mask.

“I'll show you princess.” The man says, and Derek rolls his eyes as he moves to get to his horse to get away. The man follows after him, his horse near Derek's, and Derek moves to run towards Hound. Hound is knickering at him when he sees Derek, and Derek smiles at him. His horse really is his only companion in this place, and he hops on his back to ride away. Derek can hear the man riding next to him, and he rolls his eyes.

“Following me, princess?” Derek asks, and the man tries to make his horse go faster to catch up to him. Derek laughs as he turns around, and he pulls on Hound's reins when he sees the lawmen in front of him. “Shit.” Derek curses, and he pulls the reins to get Hound to turn around so they can out run them or hide.

The other bandit seems to decided to follow Derek, two people are harder to hide than one, and Derek tries to get away from him and the lawmen. Derek turns Hound to go towards the forest, it's easier to hide under the brush and trees to cover him, and he hops off of Hound to hide by himself. “Go hide.” Derek tells Hound, before taking his bag off of him and slapping his rump to get him to run off. They've done it before when hiding so Derek knows Hound would run too far, and he moves to hide in a cave until the lawmen leave.

“Are you insane? They'll take your horse!” The man hisses at him, incredulously. Derek snorts in amusement before moving to run away, and he finds a place to hide. He runs through the forest, the sounds of horses running and men talking follows after him, and he spots a cave that is partly hidden by bushes.

Derek crouches down in the dark, waiting them out, when he hears quiet swearing. The man followed Derek into his hiding place. “This place is taken.” Derek hisses, and the man snorts to himself as he moves deeper into the cave.

“Sorry, darling. Learn to share.” The man says, and Derek rolls his eyes in annoyance. Derek is about to hold his mouth to argue, but he hears the sound of men talking. “How far away are th-” The man starts, and Derek brings up his hand to cover his mouth. The man tries to squirm away, but Derek pulls him deeper into the cave. If the man is heard then they both get caught and get the noose.

Derek pulls the thin man to him, and he stops struggling when he too hears the men talking. Derek holds him tighter as the man starts to struggle around him. It's too dark to really see anything, but Derek still holds the man to him as he tries to get him to be quiet. He's holding his breath, to afraid of getting caught to say anything, and the man digs his hand into Derek's thigh.

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