Once Upon A Dream

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You know if people in Disney movies would just introduce themselves to other with their real fucking names, Disney films would be fifteen minutes without commerical breaks. Just saying. Anywoo, this a Sleeping Beauty!AU that was requested by Dini_Hale_Stilinski


        Claudia Stilinski holds her newborn son in her hands tightly as any new mother would as she walks towards the dining hall of the castle where her husband waits for them. She shouldn't be up yet from bed rest, but she is tired of being hidden away in her and her husband's room. Claudia pauses to let the servants catch a glimpse of the little prince as she moves, and she directs them where to put everything for the ball tonight.

Claudia finds John standing around while he directs where he wants the tables and chairs to go, and he openly smiles when he sees his young wife holding their son. They named him Stiles, and he was already the perfect son. “Hello, my dear.” John says, and Claudia smiles at him widely while she strides over.

“Hello, my love. Did you remember to send out all of the invitations?” Claudia asks, and John dutifully nods his head. Claudia makes a humming noise as Stiles makes a loud happy noise when he realizes that his father is in the room with him. John carefully plucks Stiles out of her hands to hold him, and he smiles proudly down at his son. “And the faeries?” Claudia whispers as if afraid to say it too loudly.

“Only the trio.” John tells her, and she sighs in relief while watching Stiles squirm in his father's grip. Claudia watches them fondly for a moment until she gets distracted by a servant asking where she needs to put something, and Claudia moves away to help while John coos softly at their son.


The party is beautiful and everything is going off without a hitch, the neighboring kingdoms come to celebrate with the Stilinski's. The Martin's come together even though the Queen is heavy with child to see the new Stilinski, and even the young Prince Hale comments at how beautiful Stiles is. Claudia and John show their son around with pride, and everyone brought him gift after gift for the beautiful prince.

The party is just about to end when the faeries present their gift, and the King and Queen wait anxiously. The first faerie goes by the name of Scott, he's a tall man with tan skin and kind eyes and he gives Stiles the gift of beauty. “Not that he needed it”. Claudia mumbles to her husband quietly making him chuckle warmly at her. The next faerie, Jackson, gives Stiles the gift of music. Stiles babbles and coos excited throughout the entire process, and just as the last faerie, Isaac, is about to give his gift, the door swings open.

“Forgive me, Your Highness, it appears that my invitation was lost.” Kate says, and no one says anything. Kate was not a very nice witch, she had been known to give terrible curses as gifts whenever she fancied. Kate searches the room with her eyes until she finds the baby prince in the arms of Jackson, and Jackson holds Stiles close to his body in fear.

“You were not invited.” Scott spits, and Kate looks at him in surprise before looking at John and Claudia as if to make sure that's what happened. Kate makes an humming noise while she moves around to see Stiles better before she makes her way towards the exit.

“Well, I can still give him a gift. On the day that Stiles turns eighteen he will prick his finger on a spindle and die.” Kate says, and with a flash of light she is gone.

Claudia is the first to react, and she cries loudly into John's chest while her husband is still in shock. Stiles' mother clasps down to the floor while she makes a soundless scream of agony at the thought of her son dying before he got to truly live. “Wait, My Queen! Isaac hasn't given his gift yet!” Scott cries, and Jackson passes the small baby to the last of the faeries.

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