Found (Part Two Of The Wizard and The Werewolf)

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I am so sorry that this took so long. I've been busy with stuff, but thank you for all the 200K reads on this book. Much love to you all. 


Derek hits the ground hard and he coughs as he rolls over onto his hands and knees. "Okay, this on you now because that was a great landing." Stiles tells him, and Derek glares at him angrily. Peter is standing on his feet as he watches Derek with what looks like an almost amused look, it's still sort of a blank stare but he almost looks like his old self for a second, and Derek huffs as he rises to his feet. Stiles is looking around some as he tries to know exactly where they are, and Derek moves to brush dirt off of his ass.

"So now what?" Derek asks him, and Stiles hums as he turns to look around at him. Derek huffs impatiently as he moves to grab his uncle's hand before he can walk away from him, and he smiles some at how his uncle is looking around. "I want to know what happened to my uncle and how I don't remember you." Derek says, and Stiles nods his head as he turns around in a circle before humming. Derek watches as Stiles takes out his wand before muttering to himself, and Derek watches as sparkles fly out of his wand to make fireworks in the sky."What was that?" Derek asks him, and Stiles smiles.

"It's so my dad and stepbrother can find us." Stiles tells him, and Derek nods his head as waits while keeping an eye on Peter so he doesn't walk off without Derek knowing where he went off to without him."Now we just wait for them to come get us." Stiles says, again as he looks around for his family. Derek watches his uncle and it's not long before he hears the sounds of someone coming towards them.

"Stiles?! What have I told you about disappearing at night? Scott said that you were drunk last night!" Derek hears a stern voice say, and he turns his head to see that Stiles is looking down at his feet while his cheeks turn pink so Derek assumes that this is Stiles' father. "I don't care that you're twenty-two years old, I am going to kick your ass!" He says, and Derek snorts in amusement as he looks at the younger man. Peter is turned towards the sound of the voice, and Derek reaches out to stop him from going back into the forest.

"I know, I'm in trouble, Dad." Stiles says, and Derek rolls his eyes as he watches the two men walk to where Derek can see them. One is an older gentleman that Stiles looks like and the other looks to be around Stiles' age with dark hair and tan skin. "I thought that you were going to lie for me!" Stiles whisper-yells at his stepbrother,and the other man rolls his eyes at him while they whisper quietly to each other. They're mostly bickering about Stiles running off or disappearing or wherever he went.

"I'm Scott." Stiles' stepbrother says, walking past Stiles to hold his hand out to Derek to shake. Derek looks at him before he shakes his hand in his, and he turns to looks to make sure that Peter is still here. Peter's looking at Stiles' father curiously like he knows that he knows him but he doesn't know where he knows him from. Derek's used to that look on his face, he looks like that when he sees Laura since she looks so much like their mother, and Scott turns to look at them. "John's mad at you." Scott says, and Stiles sighs.

"I'm an adult I can do as I please." Stiles says, and John turns towards him unamused before looking back at Peter. "It's Peter Hale or what's left of him after long term exposure to the Cruciatus curse."Stiles tells them, and Peter turns his head slightly to look at him before he stares off. Derek sighs as he watches him, and John turns his attention towards his son with a grim expression. "Don't look at me like that, Dad. I stumbled into something big with this, okay? This is Derek Hale. Talia's son! He doesn't know us or our names or anything. Talia would have told him about us or at least about this world. I know they knew about us." Stiles rushes out, and John looks at Derek before looking at him.

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