Wandering (Part One of The Wizard and The Werewolf)

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Hogwarts!AU but not really. The Hale's are still werewolf's. Probably going to have two parts. 


"I keep telling you, Laura. I am not lonely. I'm fine. I'm glad that I moved back to Beacon Hills, you know that I hated New York. I'm fine." Derek repeats, and he hears his older sister sigh on the other end of the line. He doesn't blame her, he knows that she wanted him to stay with her but he wanted to come home. Derek spent months working on the home he grew up in, the shell of the house remained after the fire that killed their parents,and it's finally nice enough to leave in again. He just had the house inspected, and he has boxes of his things all over his living room.

"Alright, fine, but please remember to visit Peter more. His nurse keeps calling and saying that he's wandering off from his room, and we don't know where he's going but she usually finds him in the parking lot walking around mumbling to himself." Laura tells him, and Derek sighs to himself as he nods his head to himself. "So just talk to him, just because he won't answer doesn't mean he can't hear you." She adds on, and Derek nods his head.

"I will, okay? I don't want him to think that we don't love him or something." Derek says, and Laura nods her head to herself. "Okay, well, thank you for the weekly phone call to check up on me." Derek says, and Laura laughs as she moves to tell him goodbye before she hangs up on him. Derek huffs in annoyance and amusement as he moves to walk around the box filled living room. He looks around some while he sighs. He lied. He is lonely without his sisters or his parents, he wants to be with them but New York was driving him crazy.

The house looks good, but it doesn't feel the same like it did when his father and mother were alive, and he didn't think it was going to but he had hoped. Maybe if someone else lived with him it would feel more like home, but he couldn't ask Laura to come home just because he was lonely. She has a life in New Year and he couldn't be mad just because he didn't fit in there with her. Derek never really felt like he fit in anywhere, but that didn't matter anymore he thought to himself.

Derek looks around some before he moves to go make himself something to eat, and he turns off the lights to the living room before he walks into the kitchen with a soft hum. He makes a plan to go visit Peter after lunch, maybe that will cheer him up.


Derek hates the hospital in Beacon Hills, he remembers being treated there for second degree burns after the fire, but his uncle is in the permanent wing of the hospital.They moved him from Eichen House after visiting him to see suspicious marks on his arms also they didn't like that Eichen used mountain ash, and he seems to like the hospital more. Derek sighs in before he lets himself into his uncle's room, and he sees Peter standing by the window as his mouth moves as he runs his hand up his arm. "Hey, Peter." Derek says, and unsurprisingly he doesn't turn his head.

Peter keeps mumbling to himself, he never makes sense and rarely makes words, and Derek moves to clean up his room some. "I finished the Hale House and I just moved in the rest of the stuff I haven't unpacked yet but that's okay." Derek tells him, and Peter turns to walk towards the other side of the room. "I'm going to move into Mom and Dad's old room instead of the one I had. It's weird now, but it's a little better." Derek says,and Peter makes an odd grunting noise as he runs his hands down the wall as he moves around the room.

Derek watches him move around the room, humming to himself, and he stops talking to him as he moves to sit down in the chair beside the bed. He stays for a few hours,reading out loud from his book to Peter who walks around the room making noises when Derek reads something funny or interesting, and when the nurse comes in to tell him that visiting hours are over Derek sighs to himself. He hates leaving. Derek knows that Peter isn't himself, that he hasn't been for years, but it still hurts him when Peter doesn't even notice when he leaves. It's not like that all the time, sometimes when Derek, Cora, and Laura all visit him at once Peter throws violence tantrums and has to be sedated when they leave.

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