That's Captain Stiles, Derek. (Drabble)

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It's National Talk Like a Pirate Day! So what better way to celebrate then some married!Sterek with some kindergarten teacher!Stiles? This is for flashdoggy. The platonic love of my life and my friend. I love him so much. It's a drabble, but it's cute so enjoy.


"Arrgh, matey. Blow me under!" Stiles growls out, and Derek looks up at him from where he was trying to pull down Stiles' sleeping pants to give him a good morning blow job since they were both too tired to fool around last night. Derek raises his eyebrow almost to his hairline, Stiles is continuing to stare at him with that lustful look like he didn't just talk like a terrible pirate, and he slowly pulls Stiles' pants back up to cover his crotch. He has been hearing for weeks about how excited Stiles is for national talk like a pirate day, but he didn't think that his husband was serious about literally talking like a pirate all day even when he's not in classroom.

"Um, excuse me?" Derek says, and Stiles whines as he looks at him while he tries to pull his pants back down. "Did you just talk like a pirate and ask me to blow you under?" Derek asks, repeating what Stiles just told him. Stiles huffs in impatience as he pushes Derek's head back down to his crotch with a huff since he really wanted what Derek was offering.

"It's talk like a pirate day, me favorite wench!" Stiles says, and Derek moves to sit up while he stares at his husband with a confused look mixed with annoyance. "My kindergartners are excited about it, so just play along." Stiles tells him, his voice going normal for a second before he growls at him while he flips them over. "Are you going to shiver my timbers?" Stiles asks him, and Derek laughs as he pushes him away.

"Talking like a pirate is not doing it for me. It's nice that I'm your favorite wench though." Derek adds on, crawling through the blankets to get up to get ready for the day. Stiles pouts as he drags Derek back down the bed.

"Avast, yon strumpet!" Stiles says, kissing down his neck while Derek finds himself laughing to himself as he pushes his husband away playfully as he moves to stand up. Derek rolls his eyes before he looks at his husband with an annoyed look.

"Did you just call me a whore, Stiles?" Derek asks him, and Stiles smirks at him while he takes off his clothes to get dressed for work for the day. He usually wears comfortable clothes, he's on his feet all day as a teacher so he normally has to be comfortable or he'll be hurting at the end of the day not to mention that he teaches five year old's so he's often covered in marker, glitter, and glue at the end of the day. Today, however, he's wearing a white blouse with black tight pants, and he slaps on a black hat that Derek has no idea where he found it. He'll have to check their credit card statement, and he looks at him.

"That's Captain Stiles to you, wench! The most dreaded pirate in all of Beacon Port!" Stiles says, jumping on the bed as he looks down at his husband. "Now, fetch me rations!" Stiles tells him, and Derek rolls his eyes as he buttons on his shirt. Unlike Stiles, he works as an insurance manager, and he walks over to pick Stiles up off the bed to put him on the floor. "Unhand me, ye scalawag!"

"Okay, first of all. Stop calling me a whore or a wench even if I'm the favorite. Next, you're getting the bed dirty. Lastly, Beacon Hills is nowhere near a port. Do you even know what a port is, Stiles?" Derek says, putting him on the ground and Stiles narrows his eyes at him while he pokes his chest. "Go make me coffee, Stiles." Derek says, going to brush his teeth while he thinks about shaving but he probably won't since he's behind schedule thanks to Stiles' antics. Stiles huffs at him before he goes towards the kitchen, yelling at their dog the entire time, and Derek rolls his eyes fondly as he goes to the kitchen.

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