Sucker Punch

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This was requested by paperclip19. It's Mpreg and has mild scenes of violence. Enjoy. 


Stiles is walking around the nursery, waddling would be a better word to describe it, and he rest his hand on his large swollen stomach as he walks around the room. The nursery was almost ready, just some last minute things that he could do, and he make sure that there's nothing on the floor for him to trip over. He can't see his feet and he's clumsy enough already, and he smiles to himself while he moves boxes out of the way. Stiles moves the crib four or five times before moving it back where he wants it to be, and he stands at the door to look at everything.

"It looks good, Stiles." Scott says, looking into the room. Stiles turns his head to smile at his best friend and he nods his head, he thinks so too, and he turns back to the room. "How long did it take Derek to put the crib together? Was it like the car seat because I have never heard him say the f word so many times in a row. It was funny." Scott tells him, grinning at him while Stiles snickers into his hand as he remembers. He's never seen Derek that frustrated before, he made the mistake of laughing at him, and Stiles saw the vein pop out of his head.

"That was funny but don't tell Derek that. I heard him muttering about the car seat in his sleep last night. He kept saying 'It doesn't fit,Stiles, dammit who the fuck designed this? Fuck this, they're a werewolf you can just hold them. I'm a good driver, we'll never be in a crash.'" Stiles says, and Scott laughs as he shakes his head fondly. "Anyways. The crib is a Hale family heirloom." Stiles tells him. "I had to pry it away from Cora and Isaac." Stiles adds, chuckling.

"Cora is pretty vicious, but she's not pregnant." Scott adds on, and Stiles nods his head while he walks towards the kitchen to get himself something to drink. "So you're still feeling good? Your feet look really swollen and kind of gross." Scott says, and Stiles gives him a dirty look as he sits down in the living room. His feet are sort of gross looking, he really wishes that Scott didn't tell him that, and he props them up on the coffee table with a grin.

"Yeah,thanks." Stiles tells him, rolling his eyes at him while he stretches out some on the couch with a loud yawn. "I'm taking a nap." Stiles tells him, closing his eyes as he falls asleep quickly.


Derek is going for a run, he knows that he's been smothering Stiles lately,and he slows his pace down as he starts walking. He catches a scent of something he doesn't know, and he takes out his headphones to listen for whatever it is. Derek turns his head to looks around the woods, he sees nothing but trees and there's nothing out of the ordinary that makes him feel threatened. Derek starts to slowly jog again, leaving his headphones out to hear better, and he just ends upturning to run back to the Hale House.

He's thinking about Stiles, when isn't he Derek thinks, and he thinks about the baby. He's a little afraid of being a father, afraid of not being what they need him to be, and he sighs as he runs. Derek knows that Stiles is going to be a great father, he's ready to have a child he has been for years so it was mostly Derek making them wait until he was read, so he knows that he and Stiles can handle a child. It comes in waves, sometimes Derek thinks that he's ready to be a dad but sometimes he thinks that he's going to fail. Luck for him, Stiles is always there to calm him down and tell him that Derek will be a good dad.

Derek is almost through the woods, he can see the house actually from where he is, and he falls to the ground when he feels a sharp pinch in his neck. His eyes flash red, and he reaches up to his neck to pull out a dart that's empty of whatever was in it. Derek turns his head to howl or yell or growl or something, but no sound comes out. He turns his head around to look for the cause, his eyes are slowly shutting and he struggles to keep them open, and he sees hunters walking near him.The instinct to get them away from the house is overwhelming so he pushes himself to run deeper into the woods to get them away from his pregnant husband. He doesn't get far before he collapses down to the ground.

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