Lost In The Sand

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My sincerest apologizes for the mix up, my friends! This is the real one shot! I didn't hit copy before hitting paste, and wow, let me die from embarrassment in peace please. I also changed the title. I'm died, leave me alone to my shame.


"Are you paying attention, Your Highness? This the welfare of your land we are talking about you could pay some attention to what we're discussing." Derek's main council on war asks him, and Derek tears his attention away from daydreaming about nothing to look at him.

"The kingdom you say is warring with us is weak. They have an elderly leader with no heir and no major war force. If they try something we will kill them before they make it across the desert." Derek tells him, simply. He acts as thought he doesn't know anything about what they're talking about. His mother always taught him a beautiful face and a quick mind was a dangerous thing, and he always fringes ignorance to surprise them. He takes a drink off the platter of one of his servants, and he looks at him before turning his attention away towards his guards. "It doesn't matter. King John will not do anything, they're just testing us. Plus he is our ally." Derek says, and his advisers nods their head. "Dismissed." Derek says, and they bow before leaving.

Derek looks at his maps before the servant that served him and he are the only people in the throne room. "You shouldn't call my father elderly." He tells him, and Derek chuckles as he turns around to face the other man that is looking at him in annoyance and something almost fond.

"He shouldn't have sent you here for protection." Derek tells him in answer, and the servant's eyes light up in anger. Derek knows he's hit a sore spot, it's his favorite thing to do sometimes when he's bored, and he smiles at him. Stiles, his servant, rolls his eyes at him before he moves to clean up after the meeting.

"I cannot wait for someone to kill you." Stiles tells him, and Derek chuckles as he grabs Stiles' wrist to spin him around. Stiles looks at him with question, and Derek pulls on the necklace he wears to symbolizes that he belongs to the Hale's. Stiles moves along with him, he doesn't have a choice since Derek is stronger than he is, and Derek smirks before kissing him. Stiles kisses him back before he pushes him away. "No, you don't. I'm mad at you." Stiles says, and Derek chuckles as he moves to lock the door.

"That's too bad since we have about an hour before I'm needed elsewhere, and I still haven't thanked you for last night when you crept into my room." Derek says, and Stiles tries to bite back a smile before his face goes blank. "I love when you do that. When you crawled into my bed and wrap your arms around me, and you kiss me so softly." Derek tells him, his voice soft and sensual.

"Well. I cannot say no to that." Stiles says, stripping out of his toga while Derek circles him like a predator before he pushes him down to the floor. "This doesn't change the fact that I'm mad at you." Stiles tells him, and Derek chuckles before he starts nipping and licking at Stiles' skin. Stiles arches into the touch while he moves to kiss Derek fiercely.

"I'm sure you won't be mad at me after I'm done." Derek says, kissing down Stiles' neck while he moans softly. Stiles scoffs in annoyance and doubt as he moves pull on Derek's shirt as if to say hurry up. Derek chuckles as he drags Stiles to him by his bare thighs where his toga has ridden up to reveal his soft but strong legs. "I love you." Derek tells him, and Stiles smiles as he wraps his legs around Derek's waist to grind against him.

"I love you." Stiles tells him, kissing him again to get him to hurry up.


Stiles is waving something at Derek to cool him down, this is so demeaning Stiles is just must a prince as Derek is, and he keeps his face blank when Derek speaks to some of the members of his advising team. "Go get me something to drink." One of them tells Stiles, and Stiles gives him a bored look while Derek scoffs.

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