Coffee and Cakes

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Hello, my sweet summer children. ach_123 bequeathed me with the request "I see you come into my coffee shop everyday but you never buy anything and I need to confront you about it." 


Stiles is humming to himself when he hears the door bell chime, but he doesn't look up from where he was cleaning the espresso machine."Welcome to Coffee and Cakes." Stiles says, and when he doesn't get an answer he knows exactly who it is. Stiles turns his head to see the same man that has been coming into his shop for months without buying anything and he seems to just be here for the free WiFi.

The man is already setting up his laptop, with the charging cord and everything, and he is already starting to work on what he's doing.Stiles doesn't know if he's writing book or if he's working on something for college. Stiles thinks the guys a little too old to still be in college, unless he's a late starter, but he could be in graduate school Stiles thinks. The man also comes in when the shop isn't busy, and he stays for about three hours before leaving without a word. No one talks to him, and he doesn't talks to anyone either.

Stiles watches him for a second before he continues to clean the espresso machine since the man isn't an actually customer. Stiles doesn't bother saying anything to him since Stiles doesn't have a rule that the man actually has to buy something,it still annoys him but sometimes the man makes this adorable noise of delight when he writes something interesting so Stiles gives him a pass. He thinks that maybe it has to do with the fact that the man is good looking, and maybe the man thinks that no one is going to call him on it since he's so attractive but Stiles doesn't get that vibe from him.

"Hey,Stiles. I accidentally burned the bottom of the brownies." Scott says, and Stiles sighs as he looks up at him. Scott gives him innocent look that makes Stiles smiles while he moves to go see what the damage is to his brownies, and Scott follows after him. "I'm sorry. I was watching it. I told you I'm not good at baking. Just let me count out the money and look pretty." Scott says, and Stiles shakes his head while he just throws away the brownies since they're just ruined but he doesn't want Scott to feel bad about it. "That guy is here again." Scott says, and Stiles snorts.

"Way to state the obvious." Stiles tells him, smiling at him while he moves more brownies. "I don't what to do about the guy, but I don't think I'm going to since he doesn't bother anyone. He just doesn't bother anyone. That's just weird." Stiles sighs, and Scott smiles at him while he moves to watch him with a fond, happy smile.

"Just leave him alone. He's not bothering anyone. But then again. He could buy a scone or cup of coffee or cocoa." Scott says, and Stiles laughs while he mixes the brownie mixture up when the door bell chimes. "I've got it, yeah?" Scott says, and he moves to go help someone. Stiles watches him go with a fond look, and he hums to himself while he moves to turn on the oven before he goes to see if Scott needed help with something.

Scott is talking to the pretty girl that owns the bookstore, and Stiles smiles at them. The man with the laptop looks up at her, and he stares for a second before going back to his work. Scott's cheek turn pink in delight while he writes a name on the cup, something that Stiles doesn't do but Scott is probably trying to get her name, and Stiles let's him do it. "I'll get your chocolate chip cookie,Kira." Scott says, grinning at her. Kira smiles before she moves to go to talk to man with the lap top, and Stiles watch her.

The man looks up at her before smiling widely at her, and she smiles as she starts gesturing with her hands while she talks. The man smiles as he nods, he speaks softly to her while she nods her head, and Stiles cannot understand what the man is saying since he's speaking so softly. Kira seems to understand despite how softly he's talking,and Stiles finds himself looking at the man's lips as he talks to him. "Kira? Your cookie?" Scott says, and Stiles could see that he seemed to be upset that Kira was talking to someone else.

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