The Full Moon (Part Two of the Man On The Train Series)

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Two updates in one day!! Way to go, Stale! Anyway follow me on twitter @sterekandpizza 


        Derek invites Stiles inside his house without a word, and he nods his head. “Did you think this through?” Derek asks, and Stiles nods his head. Derek is grateful that Stiles has come to him, even if it was to tell him that he couldn't accept the bite in good conscious, and he gesturing for him to sit down. “You look like shit.” Derek tells him, and Stiles laughs softly before coughing.

“Yeah, dude, dying sucks.” Stiles tells him, and Derek doesn't find that funny but apparently Stiles does. “I want the bite. Even with the risk.” Stiles tells him, and Derek nods before leaning in. “Whoa, now?!” Stiles asks, and Derek looks at him.

“Why not now?” Derek asks him, and Stiles looks at him with his mouth open as if he wants to talk but no words come out.

“How do I know that I'm a werewolf and won't die?” Stiles asks, and Derek moves around him to try to calm him down.

“If you wake up after you pass out then you're alive or if you don't pass out at all.” Derek tells him, and Stiles looks at him as if considering before nodding his head. “It's doesn't matter where I bite you.” Derek tells him, and Stiles turns his neck to the side. Derek stares at Stiles' neck before tracing his thumb over the side, and Derek presses an opened mouth kiss to the area before biting down.

Stiles hisses in pain, his body stiffening at the feeling, and Derek touches his skin in comfort before pulling away. Derek can still taste Stiles' blood in his mouth, he swallows to get rid of the taste, and Stiles looks at him. “Now we wait?” Stiles asks, and Derek nods his head. Stiles stretches out on the sofa, and Derek watches him closely.


“Again.” Derek tells him,and Stiles growls at him from where he was laying on his back on the floor of Derek's house. They'd been at this for hours. Derek was trying to train Stiles into changing without having to have the moon. It was only two days until the full moon, and Derek was still worried that Stiles was going to lose control.

“I'm trying, Derek.” Stiles growls at him, and Derek doesn't flinch. Derek moves away from him, turning his back to him, and he hears Stiles' next move making him turn around to grab him. Stiles snarls at him, his eyes flashing gold at his Alpha, and Derek flips him over. Stiles lands on his back again, his claws out and his eyes angry, and Derek moves hold him down. “Get off.” Stiles growls, and Derek shakes his head.

“Make me.” Derek says, enjoying antagonizing Stiles when they train. It makes Stiles angrier when Derek does this, makes him mess up some, and Derek likes to show him not to lose control. He isn't the best at training, but he does enjoying playing with Stiles. Stiles flashes his fangs at him before flipping them over, and holding Derek down. “Very good.” Derek tells him, and Stiles smiles at him before leaning down to kiss him.

Derek takes the opportunity to flip them over, and Stiles hisses in annoyance. “I told you that wouldn't work with me.” Derek tells him, and Stiles tries to give him an innocent look. “Make your eyes go back.” Derek demands, and Stiles breathes in and out as he tries to make his golden eyes back to their whiskey brown.

“I can't.” Stiles says, and he snaps his mouth shut. Derek grins at him before moving, and he stands up.

“You know the rules, give me fifty push ups.” Derek says, and Stiles growls in annoyance before turning over to begin his push ups. After getting tired of Stiles telling him that he couldn't do what Derek asked of him. He couldn't make his claws come out, he couldn't change back,he couldn't calm down. So now every time he says he can't then Stiles has to do push ups.

Sterek One-Shots:Book Two (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now