The Mechanic (Mature Content)

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I, um, I just wanted to write smut. So...............................yeah.


        It's too hot in Derek's garage, even for him. He's a werewolf, his skin is naturally hot and normally he can push it out of his mind at least for the time being. It wouldn't bother him normally, but it is right now because his hand is slipping when he tries to tighten a bolt on one of the cars he's fixing. Derek sighs to himself and eventually he gets it right, and he lays his head down on the concrete floor.

Derek feels a bead of sweat drop from his hairline to his collarbone, and he wipes it away in disgust. He meant to install an air conditioner system in the garage, but he never got around to it. It's time like this, he wished that he had. He sighs as he pushes his arm against the bottom of the car that was jacked up above him. Derek takes a breath while he takes a break and he clenches and unclenches his left hand when it cramps.

His eyes automatically go to the tan line on his ring finger of his left hand, and he smiles to himself while he goes back to trying to fix this car in front of him. Derek doesn't wear his wedding ring when he works on cars in fear of getting it dirty, Stiles wouldn't mind he knows, but he wants it to be shiny.

Derek's tank top is stuck to his chest with sweat, and his jeans are almost an annoyance on his skin. He isn't exactly sure what is wrong with the car that some spoiled teenager dropped off yesterday, that his dad probably brought for him as a reward for making captain of the football team or something equally unimportant, so he tinkers some more. It's too early in the morning for it to be this hot, Derek thinks. Stiles hates the heat, he keeps the air conditioner on in the house on continuously in the summer. Derek lets him, the cold doesn't bother him but the heat does.

Derek smiles to himself when he hears Stiles click on the other light for the garage, and he turns to look at him from under the car. He woke up early this morning, to work on the car before it got hot but he was too late, and he left Stiles in bed. Derek rolls his eyes when Stiles' feet finally come into view since he isn't wearing shoes. Derek has asked him to where shoes in here, just in case he steps on something but Stiles hates to wear socks or shoes around the house.

“I wish you would put on shoes.” Derek says, his voice rocky with thirst and the fact that he hasn't spoken this morning yet. Stiles walks to the edge of the car before moving to sit down, and Derek reaches out to tickle his foot. Stiles squeak in surprise before tucking his feet underneath him to keep them away, and Derek chuckles to himself while he continues to tinker with the car.

“I wish you wouldn't stay out here in the heat.” Stiles says, reaching out to lay his hand on Derek's knee. Derek rolls his eyes despite Stiles not being able to see him. He can see that Stiles is in his thin pajama bottoms, and he's shirtless. Derek can just make out the bottom of his stomach from where he is laying, and Stiles is leaning back on his hands.

They do this a lot, Stiles coming to see him when he gets bored or lonely in the house. They're both too attached to each other, but both will deny it. They just love each other, Derek thinks. It's the deep kind of love that frightens him sometimes. The kind of love that has burrowed it way deep into Derek's soul and heart, the kind of love that makes Derek not able to picture his life without Stiles, and it's the kind of love that makes Derek miss Stiles after only an hour apart.

Luckily for both of them, they both work from home. Stiles writes and Derek fixes cars, and they love it. Derek knows he does, and Stiles has told him on several occasions that he loves it too. Stiles is really the only person that Derek can actually spend all of his time with, without it being to much for Derek, and Derek never gets tired of Stiles. “Seriously, I could run to the store to get you a fan.” Stiles says, and Derek chuckles softly. He's pretty sure that he knows the problem with the car, and it shouldn't be too much longer.

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