Durmstrang's Do It Better

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STALERS!!! Okay, so this a Hogwarts!AU that takes place during the Goblet of Fire with Slytherin!Stiles, Durmstrang!Derek, Derek and Krum are best friends and I'm probably overselling this but I really like it and it makes me smile. It also has Alive Claudia Stilinski and Talia Hale.


"Did your mom pack you dress robes? Because my mom did, but she didn't tell me what they were for." Scott says, and Stiles looks up at him from where he was reading one of his mystery novels. Stiles raises an eyebrow before shrugging his shoulders, he's not really sure since he didn't really pay attention to what his mom did, and Scott sighs as he sits down."Cedric is asking about you." Scott says, and Stiles turns his head to look at him.

"Why?" Stiles asks, curiously. Scott shrugs his shoulders and Stiles rolls his eyes as he moves to sit down, and he looks up with an amused smirk when he hears the Weasley twins laughing loudly. "You should say something to them,Head Boy." Stiles says, and Scott sighs and moves to stand up to walk towards them. Stiles knows he won't say anything, they both like the Weasley twins too much to say anything to them, and he goes back to his book when the door to his cabin open again. It's Lydia, a Ravenclaw and Head Girl, and she moves to sit down next to her boyfriend. "Whittemore." Stiles says, and Jackson rolls his eyes. "Ravenclaw's and Slytherin's shouldn't date. Ravenclaw's should date Hufflepuffs or a Gryffindor." Stiles sighs, and Jackson scoffs some.

"You're just mad that she doesn't like you." Jackson says, and Stiles rolls his eyes as he throws his legs into Jackson's lap while he goes back to reading his novel."Anyways. Did you hear that they're canceling Quidditch this year?"Jackson says, his tone a bit bitter. Stiles sits up some, Lydia looks disinterested in the conversation, and he gapes at his friend.

"What?! No, this is our seventh year! They can't!" Stiles whines, and he throws his head against the back of the seat. "I bet Oliver Wood is crying." Stiles says,smiling at him some while he moves to look at Jackson who smirks to himself. "Did Malfory's daddy buy more broomsticks for the team?"Stiles asks, and Jackson huffs.

"I hate that little asshole."Jackson says, and Stiles laughs and even Lydia cracks a smile while she reads the Daily Prophet. Stiles turns when the door opens again so Scott can sit back down, and he sighs some to himself while he looks out the window.

"Is that a carriage?" Stiles asks, and everyone turns to look at where he's pointing. Lydia turns her head to the side while she looks at it, Stiles can see the wheels in her mind turning as she tries to place it, but Stiles is already bored. "I've got to lead first years." Stiles yawns and Lydia nods as she moves to go to her own house. Jackson disappears into the crowd, Stiles doesn't even watch him go, and Scott moves towards the Gryffindor's. Stiles waves at the Hufflepuff head boy, Danny, as he moves to gather some nervous looking first years.


"I've never heard of the Triwizard Tournament." Stiles whispers, and Scott shushes him.Stiles normally sits at the Slytherin table on the first day, out of respect for his house, but as soon as Dumbledore starts talking Stiles slunk across the room making the headmaster pause as he watched him, and Scott shushes him again. "What is it?" Stiles asks, and Scott glares at him.

"If you shut up then Professor Dumbledore will explain." Scott says, and Stiles huffs in impatience while he waits. Stiles listens to what the Tournament is going to be able, he has no interest in applying, and he zones out while he moves to look when the door opens. There's a flash of butterflies as an army of beautiful women walk into the room, and Stiles watches them some but he's more amused at Scott's gaze follows one of the girls with dark brown hair from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic.

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