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This was requested by emma_and_orlando. It's based off Stephen King's Carrie. If you are over fourteen, I would highly recommend this book. It is one of my absolute favorite books, and the ending is different from the book.


Stiles is walking to class when someone knocks his books out of his hands, and he doesn't even look up too see before he's moving to bend down to pick them up. He's used to this by now, it's been happening for years, and he gets his books before walking to class. Stiles knows that he shouldn't be used to be a social outcast, but it's what he does. Sometimes he gets pushed into lockers, his books thrown to the ground, and he's always talked about.

He doesn't know why he's the outcast, he tries to dress to like the others and he tries to act like the other kids. Stiles knows he's different, it's hard to not feel that way when everyone calls you freak, and he's glad that he has his father. His father understands him, he's Stiles best friend and the only person that Stiles trusts, and they've only have each other since Stiles' mother died all those years ago. He even started going by the nickname Stiles instead of his real name Hezekiah.

Quiet whispers of "freak" follows him everywhere he goes around the school, and makes his way to his seat. Not a lot of people are rude to him, just a few people, but no one stops them. Even the teachers turn a blind eye to it, Stiles has even seen Harris smile at one of the jokes that one of the lacrosse boys made, and that hurts Stiles more. It hurts more because no one stops the talking or teasing, but it's senior year so he's almost done.

Stiles is smart, he notices thinks that others don't, and he turns in his homework despite the sneer the other person gives him at having to touch the same paper as him. Sometimes, they throw his paper on the floor so they don't get turned in. So must of the time, Stiles turns his homework in early. It's not so bad must of the time, Stiles is lonely at school, he eats lunch outside even when it rains.

When the bell rings, Stiles slips from his seat before getting his things as he walks towards his locker. He doesn't seem to see the person who trips him, and he falls to the ground with a soft oomph. All he hears is laughter, and his cheeks and eyes burn with embarrassment as he stands up. He just takes his books with him as he moves to go home, and he tries not to cry in front of anyone. Stiles doesn't cry anymore, he hasn't since middle school when this all started, and he walks home. The sun is shining so it makes it better, Stiles has learned to find happiness in the little things, and he walks quickly.

His backpack is heavy since he didn't have time to put his books away, and he moves to walk slower so that he can enjoy the sunshine. His father doesn't get home until it's late, so he has plenty of time to get home and make dinner. When he gets home, Stiles makes himself something to drink before he moves to make them dinner. Normally, Stiles can forget the day but the time it's dinner but today he cannot. He doesn't know why but he keeps hearing the laughter over and over and over again, and he feels angry. Stiles doesn't know what happens but he keeps focusing on that and something happens that makes the silverware fall to the floor making Stiles gasp to himself.

It's not the first time he's noticed that things like that happen, and it always makes him feel weird. It makes his head hurt for a second, but it goes away. Stiles shakes his head as he breathes out to drain the day away. When he hears the door open, he smiles to himself. "Hi, Dad!" Stiles says, and he hears his father put his coat away.

"Hello, son. How was your day?" John asks, and Stiles makes sure that his smile doesn't fall. He's been lying to father about how his day has been for years. He doesn't want to burden his father with his life at school since it's about to over. John knows that his son doesn't have a lot of friends, but he just thinks that it's because Stiles is shy.

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