Author's Note

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     Hey, I'm sorry to do this but I need to say somethings that are only applicable to a very small group of you. I'm very tired of getting request in my inbox that say "Do a Sterek where...". It's disrespectful to just assume that my feelings aren't hurt to be spoken to in such a way. It hurts my feelings because I'm starting to feel that I'm being seen as a faceless thing that produces stories rather than a person. 

        This is only a few people. A lot of you are so great, thoughtful, sweet, and just the highlight of my day. I'm not trying to sound ungrateful. I know that a writer without readers isn't what I want to be, and for every one rude, sarcastic comment I have twenty that are so thoughtful and sweet. I have made some wonderful friends through this site and through sterek. 

        I don't want to be a professional writer so of course my stuff is going to be off canon, riddled with plot holes, and have grammar mistakes. I know, no need to throw that into my face. I'm just a college student that likes to write because it makes me happy and some of you happy. 

        I am still doing requests if asked nicely, if not then I'm deleting them. I am far behind on them but I will get to them. My other teen wolf one shot is still open for requests. I'm very sorry to the people who this doesn't apply too. 

       I will continue writing until it stops being fun, and now it's starting to not be fun. Maybe I'm just in a funk. I love writing, I love sterek, and I'm going to keep it up until I can't. 

Sterek One-Shots:Book Two (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now