Prince Stiles and the Seven Pack Mates

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Stalers, this. This right here. Is my 100th one shot. WTF? It is a Snow White!AU that was requested by Dini_Stilinski_Hale and Shake_n_Blake. I'm having a contest in celebration of my 100th Sterek Story. I am so grateful for all of you, massive amounts of love for everyone single one of you reading.


        Once upon at time, in a kingdom far to the north, there lived a Prince. He was no ordinary Prince for he was more beautiful than anyone in the kingdom, and everyone loved him. His hair was a soft brown color, his eyes the color of expensive whiskey like his father used to drink on special occasions, and his pale skin was dotted with moles like the constellations in the sky. His mother named him Stiles but everyone called him Snow, though no one really knows why, and she loved him until she died. Stiles loved his mother dearly, and he even became fond of his stepmother. Stiles was bias, for he cared for everyone, but the Queen was vain and cruel as well as being jealous of Stiles' beauty.

All too soon, before Stiles was barely an adult, his father passed away as well. Stiles was shocked and saddened, but he still was happy in life. His parents only wanted him to be happy in life, so he knew that they loved him as much as he loved them. His stepmother becomes Queen until Stiles reaches the age where he can take over, but Stiles isn't too worried. He wants to be King since it's what his parents wanted, and he wants to find love as well.

Prince Derek had been the one to catch his eye, and they had been betrothed since they were children and have exchanged letters on numerous occasions. Stiles waited for the day when they could be married, and Stiles knew he was in love with the stoic man. He wonders what is stepmother will do when he gets married, Stiles thinks that she will like not having to rule anymore. He hopes that she will enjoy her retirement. Stiles is slowly sweeping the floor when he hears his stepmother call out to him. “Yes, My Queen?” Stiles asks, and she gives him a sweet smile.

“Chris wants to take you hunting with him.” The queen says, and Stiles smiles brightly at her while he hops on his toes.

“How lovely! I'll go change.” Stiles says, and his stepmother nodded her head. Stiles skips to his room while he hums quietly to himself, and he puts on a warm coat with brown pants with his riding boots. He marches quickly to the where Chris is waiting for him, and he smiles at the huntsman. Chris gives him a firm look while he gestures for Stiles to follow him, and Stiles smiles widely as he follows him.

The Queen watches Stiles leave as she smiles as she moves to go to her room where she sees her large magical mirror on the wall. “Mirror, mirror on wall. Who is the fairest of them all?” She asks, and the mirror turns to morph into a face.

“You are beautiful as all can see, but Stiles is the fairest in all seven seas.” It tells her, and she smiles at it.

“Not for long, Mirror.” The Queen tells her, and the mirror morphs back to glass. The Queen moves to look out of the window where she sees the Huntsman taking Stiles deep in the forest where she has instructed to him to kill her stepson and bring back his heart, liver, and lungs.


“Thank you for taking me out today.” Stiles says, taking a deep breath of the woods. Chris doesn't answer him right away, and Stiles turns to give him a curious look. “Chris? Are you not well?” Stiles ask, his voice full of concern.

“Forgive me, my Prince.” Chris says, and Stiles gasps loudly as Chris pulls a sharp dagger out of his sheath. Stiles backs away while the Huntsman approaches him, and he begins to cry out of fear.

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