Uninvited Guests

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Hey, guys! I'm sorry about the wait. I'm waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayy behind in doing requests. I'm just lacking motivation, but the requests are good ones. I didn't edit this since I'm tired so sorry. It was requested by OUATSuperWhoLock. 


        Oh, Well, Imagine.

“Stiles, this is literally the worse idea you have ever had. I cannot believe I agreed to this, and we are going to get arrested.” Scott hisses, and Stiles grins at him while he straighten his tie. Stiles gives him a teasing smile before he pushes them towards the reception hall.

“No, this is the best idea ever.” Stiles says, and he really feels like this is the best idea he's had in a while. Scott and Stiles were both bored and tired with work, Stiles was a deputy and Scott was a vet, so they needed a break for the weekend. They went to the coast, and they just happened to see a sign for a wedding. Scott had made the comment that they had suits with them, and Stiles grinned at him wickedly before telling them that they should go.

“It will be until we get thrown out.” Scott says, but Stiles waves him away. They never make people turn in invitations anyway for weddings, so Stiles thought it would be a nice change.

“Think about it like this. You can get ideas for yours and Kira's wedding.” Stiles says,and Scott glares at him. “Too soon?” Stiles asks, and Scott gives him a you think look. Scott and Kira had only been dating a few months, and Stiles was always in the background asking when they were getting married. “Oh, come on. We're twenty-five and old.” Stiles tells him, throwing his arm over his shoulder.

“At least I have a girlfriend. You have your right hand.” Scott tells him, and Stiles laughs sarcastically as he heads him to the inside of the lovely decorated wedding hall. “We are so going to get arrested.” Scott sighs, and Stiles laughs as he moves them inside.

“I've got my badge, I'll just tell them that we're working under cover or something.” Stiles says, waving them away as they move to take their seat in the groom's side of the hall. It had less people in already since the wedding was set to start in fifteen minutes, and they sit quickly while people flood into the wedding. It's a small one, there's only about fifty people here, so they aren't really blending in.

Scott sighs as the brides side fills up while the groom's side remains almost empty, and Stiles shrugs his shoulder as he looks at the program from the wedding. “If people asked we went to high school with Vernon Milton Boyd the fourth. Holy shit that's a mouthful.” Stiles says, and Scott snorts as he yanks the program from him to look at it himself.

“Don't be a dick, Stiles.” Scott hisses, and Stiles waves him away as he grabs the paper back. They hear the wedding music start, and they watch the groom walk into the room with his two groomsmen with him. The groom is a thickly built African America man, in a nice suit, and his best man is a tall dark haired man with a scruffy beard that Stiles just wants on his face. The last man was a tall curly haired man with sandy pale hair.

“Dude, dibs on the best man.” Stiles whispers to Scott, and Scott rolls his eyes as they watch another man walk in to take the spot on the brides side indicating that he is the man of honor. A woman that looks to the be the sister to the groom, and Stiles and Scott stand when they hear the sound of 'Hear Comes The Bride'.


Well, I'll Look At It This Way, I Mean Technically Our Marriage Is Saved

The bride is gorgeous, Stiles is positive everyone thinks so, and she walks with her father to the front of the room where the priest is waiting for them. Her name is Erica Reyes, Stiles reads from the program, and she is grinning brightly at her future husband. Stiles reads that the best man is named Derek Hale, and Stiles makes a plan to get to know him at the reception.

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