Aching Hearts

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theoutsidersaf requested this. Let's see....Stiles is Derek's mate, Derek didn't know. Is it too late?


Derek is humming to himself as he moves to go get something to eat before he goes for a run and he doesn't understand why he doesn't feel right. It's not like he can get sick, it's not even that feeling when Derek reflects on it more, but he just cannot explain it. Derek wishes he knew what was causing this, but he really just doesn't know. He grabs himself something to eat while he walks along the kitchen while he moves to walk along cabinets until he finds his teakettle, and he moves to make himself some. "Morning, Derek."Isaac says, smiling as he walks into the room while Derek turns to look at him.

"Isaac."Derek says, and Isaac smiles as he stands next to him while he moves to make himself some cereal. Derek moves around the room while he moves to walk towards the table with his toast, and Isaac watches him before he moves to sit down next to him. Derek thinks he's staring at him, and when he looks up at him Isaac quickly looks away from him."What?" Derek asks him, sipping at his drink while Isaac shrugs his shoulders.

"You seem off." Isaac tells him, and Derek sighs as he looks at him as if in question. Isaac sighs as he looks at his hands while he moves to tap his fingers on the table. "Like really not yourself."Isaac says, carefully. Derek looks at him while he moves to look up at him, and Isaac sighs as he moves to stand up before running his hand through his curly hair. "I mean. I know things are different with everyone in the pack being at college and away but still you seem to be down." Isaac says, and Derek looks at him. "And I don't like it." Isaac adds on, and Derek smiles at him.

"I'm fine." Derek says, but he doesn't think that's right. Isaac looks at him like he doesn't believe him, Derek doesn't blame him since he can hear the lies in his voice, and he waits for Derek to tell him more about what he said. "I'm fine, but things are different now and I don't really like everyone being so far away." Derek admits,and Isaac smiles at him as if he understands what Derek is talking about.

"I know, but I'm here." Isaac tells him,and Derek gives him a soft smile as he nods his head while he moves to walk towards the other man to give him a quick hug. Isaac smiles at the gesture before he hugs him back tightly, and he smiles at him while he moves to rub his back while Derek nuzzles into him. "I'll always be here. Always.You'll never get rid of me." Isaac tells him, and Derek laughs to himself as he moves to let him go.

"You make that sound like a threat." Derek says, chuckling as he moves to walk towards the kitchen and he moves to slip on his shoes so he can go for a run. "I wouldn't mind if you stayed with me forever."Derek tells him, and Isaac laughs as he moves to go to his room.

"I'm sure. You screamed at me yesterday for leaving a wet towel on the floor." Isaac says, and Derek shrugs his shoulders as he goes outside. He takes a deep breath before he starts running as he moves to go deeper and deeper into the forest with a soft hum to himself.He loves running and he loves being outside with nature. Derek pants lightly as he moves to run until he's tired and he stops before he looks towards his house and he doesn't feel like going in just yet so he makes another lap.


Derek finally figures how what's wrong when Thanksgiving comes around and all the pack is back with him, it was missing them so much, and he's so happy when every one is here with him. Derek moves to walk through people in his kitchen, and he smiles to himself while he hums. "Does anyone want anything while I'm up?" Derek yells, and he gets all kinds of shouts in answer that make him lean his head against the cabinet. "One at a time, pups!" Derek screams, and they all yell at him at once again. "Never mind." Derek calls back, and he hears the sound of them getting up to walk towards the kitchen.

Sterek One-Shots:Book Two (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now