Three's Not A Crowd (Mchalinski)(Mature Content)

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*sweats nervously* 


Derek is yawning as he moves to put the keys into his apartment, and he really just wants to be home at the moment. It's not that he hates his job, he doesn't really just like sometimes when he's really busy and barely gets to be home with Stiles and Scott. He yawns again as he opens the door, and he smiles when he sees Scott and Stiles laying on the couch. Stiles is fast asleep and Scott is lazily running his hand through his hair. "Hey, babes." Derek says, and Scott smiles at him happily before he tilts his head up for a kiss.

"Hey,you. How was work?" Scott asks, and Stiles shifts some in his sleep when Derek kisses his cheek. Derek rolls his eyes in answer before he moves to sit down in the chair next to the couch, and Scott hums as he moves to look at him more. "That bad? Did you get my note in your lunch?" Scott asks, and Derek laughs softly as he nods his head.

"Yeah,thanks for that. It's the only thing that kept me from going crazy."Derek says, and Stiles lifts his head up when he hears Derek's voice.Derek smiles at him before he moves to get himself something to drink. Stiles smiles at him before he grabs Derek's tie to pull him down for a kiss, and Derek smiles as he kisses him back. Scott watches them with a fond expression before he moves to kiss Derek's cheek. "I'm going to take a shower." Derek sighs, and Stiles lets him go so he can shower now.

"Okay.I'm sorry you had a bad day." Stiles says, and Derek smiles at him while he moves to go to the bathroom. Derek strips from his clothes to step into the shower, and he's only in there a few minutes before he hears the door open and close. Derek pretends he doesn't hear the curtain open and close, but he smiles softly when he feels two strong arms circle around his waist. Derek turns his head slightly to look at Scott before smiling at him, and he turns to kiss him.

"I've missed you today. Summer's suck because Stiles and I miss you since you're always working."Scott says, his tone thick with suggestion.Derek knows that he works too much, but Stiles and Scott are in college full time so he doesn't want them to work while they're in school. "Maybe after this wave of chaos is over then you could take a vacation? Stiles and I talked about going to the beach?" Scott suggests, and Derek turns his head to look at him. "I mean, dude,it's just lonely without you all day." Scott says, softly.

"He's right." Stiles says, and Derek and Scott jump in surprise when he slides into the shower. Stiles laughs as he slides in front of Derek in their large shower, and Derek wraps an arm around his waist. "We miss you. I know you miss us too, even if you try to act like you don't." Stiles tells him, and Derek rolls his eyes as he kisses him. Scott moves to wash Derek's hair for him while he watches them,and Derek pulls away from the kiss to kiss Scott. "He's going to get soap in your eyes, Der." Stiles says, watching him with a soft laugh.

"I won't!" Scott argues, and Derek pretends to yelp in pain like he did. Scott gasps before he pinches Derek's nipple in annoyance."You're terrible." Scott tells him, smiling as he kisses him before he rolls his eyes at Stiles. "Both of you, worst types of people." Scott grins, and Stiles moves to wash himself. Derek laughs as he moves to get out of the shower since he just wants to eat something before he goes to bed. Stiles and Scott take more time,Derek smiles when he hears them giggle and talk, and he throws on some track pants before he makes his way into the kitchen to heat up some leftovers.


It was strange the way it started out, but Derek couldn't bring himself to regret it. Stiles and Scott were all close, and Derek was jealous when he and Stiles first started dating. He knew that Stiles was sleeping with Scott, but he couldn't bring himself to break up with Stiles. So instead, he made a point to get to know Scott. At first,it was to understand what made Scott so special that he deserved Stiles' love. Instead of feeling jealousy and angry, Derek understood the more he got to know Scott. Soon, Scott and Derek started sleeping together. Derek knew that he was still sleeping with Stiles, but he didn't care because he was in to deep with Scott. Eventually, Derek knew that he and Stiles had to talk about, they had to deal with their emotions, and somehow it ended with them asking Scott to date them. Of course, Scott loved them too so it was a pretty easy decision for him.

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