Cora and Glue

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I'll leave this here as well. Sorry for the lack of updates, but school is kicking my ass.

Derek sighs as he looks at the cages in front of him, he doesn't know why he thought getting his little sister a dog was a good idea, and he looks around. Cages make him sad, the idea of being caged in such a small space was something that hit too close to home for him at least in a metaphorical way, and he looks around the room to try to find Cora since she had a habit of running away from Derek. "Cora? Honey?" Derek calls, and he hears what sounds like a loud barking noise and he sighs when he sees his sister holding something that she puts down to walk behind them. "Cora, what is that?" Derek says, pulling his sister gently towards him.

The thing in front of him, it's is so not a dog, is an odd color. It's an odd blue mixed with something else, but its body sort of looks like a fox. "That's Glue!" Cora says, smiling at him. The animals moves, revealing the fact that it has what looks to be four or five blue tails that are tipped in white, and it turns around to lick at his nostrils. "Yeah, he's the one." Cora tells Derek, nodding her head. Derek grimaces down at the animal and he looks up at the woman behind the counter who isn't sure about Glue.

"Okay, I'll just need five dollars for the licenses fee." She says, seemingly happy to be able to get rid of the animal. Derek makes a face at her, one of unhappiness, and he digs into his pocket to pay for the animal.

"Wait! I want to pay for him!" Cora says, and she pulls on Derek's sleeve. "Can I burrow five dollars?" Cora whispers, and Derek smiles at her while he hands the money to her. Cora takes the money from him before slapping it on the table for the woman, and Derek picks her up so she can reach the cabinet so she can sign on the line so that Glue will be hers. "Come on, Glue!" Cora says, and Derek frowns while the animal follows after him.

"No way is that dog." Derek mumbles to himself, taking Cora's hand as they walk back towards the house. Glue breathes heavily as he starts to walk on his hind legs, and Derek's lip curls up in distaste but Cora looks happy so what can he do Derek thinks.


It wasn't always just them, Derek and Cora all alone together, they used to have parents that loved and cared for them. Derek was only eighteen when they died, freshly eighteen he had just finished high school and was eagerly waiting for August so he can board a plane to go to Washington State University, but that all changed. It was a dark night, Derek was stuck babysitting his little sister who was only six at the time, and they didn't get home when they said they would. Derek wasn't worried at the time, his parents were always late to everything they went to, so he didn't think anything of it. He was even on the phone with his girlfriend when the doorbell rang.

Derek didn't think that it was going to be the police and he really didn't think that they were going to tell him that his parents had been hit by an eighteen wheeler and were killed on impact. Cora had been so quiet when he told her, tears falling freely down his face so hard that he couldn't breathe, and she just hugged him. Derek thinks that at the time, she didn't understand that their parents weren't coming back to them, but maybe she did. She's a smart kid.

What was Derek to do when the state tried to take her away from him? She was his only family he had left and he held onto her until he couldn't, he wasn't letting her go, and he quickly dropped out of school and got a job at a local restaurant. It wasn't all bad, Cora seemed to be adjusting well enough probably better than Derek himself, so he thinks he's doing an okay job at raising her. It's only been almost three years, but he's still trying to do the right thing. He still gets visits from child protection custody, and he's trying to do what's best for her. It okay that he had to put his life on hold, and it's even okay that he had to go from a high school graduate one moment to being a parent to a six year old in another. Just as long as he has Cora than he'll be okay.

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