Corpse Wolf

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This is the last one shot of this book! It was requested by dini_stilinski_hale and it's a Corspe Bride!AU. It's like the only Tim Burton movie I like. I really don't care for him.


Stiles doesn't understand why he has to get married, especially to someone that he doesn't love or someone that he's never meet before, but he knows that his father is excited about it. Apparently, it's a good family and Stiles really wants to please his father so he doesn't say anything. "So what if I don't like him?" Stiles asks his father, tearing his attention away from the carriage window to look at him. John gives him a brief fond look, like he knows something that Stiles doesn't know, and he smiles at him.

"I think that you'll like you. If you don't." John says, but he doesn't anything else to it so it doesn't help Stiles' nerves. The house that they're going to is nice, better than Stiles and John's, and he seems to notice where he is. "Derek Hale is the name of the man. I didn't to tell you since the Hale's have a...reputation." John says, and Stiles stutters as he looks at him and he wipes his face. "I'm sure they're not as bad as they seem. Talia can be a bit much but I'm sure that Derek is nothing like her, okay?" John tells him, and Stiles thinks he's going to pass out before anything else happens.

"I'm going to die. That's it. I'm going to die. That's it for me." Stiles says, and John rolls his eyes at the dramatics that his son is giving him. Stiles frowns when the carriage stops and he sighs to himself as he looks at the large house. "It'll be okay." Stiles tells himself, and John gives him a gentle look while he goes to meet with Talia. "Yeah, yeah. Don't get into trouble." Stiles says, smiling at him while he nods his head. His father always tells him the same thing, and Stiles goes to explore the house.


So far so good, Stiles thinks as he looks around the large house. He hasn't met any of Derek's family or the groom himself. Stiles wishes that he could just meet Derek already, he's pretty sure that he's going to ruin their first meeting, it's just going to go awkwardly. Stiles hums to himself as he walks around, and he dances his fingers over the keys in the piano. He loves the instrument, his mother taught him before she got too sick, and it makes him think fondly of his mother. Stiles dances his long fingers over the keys, making soft notes, and he smiles as he looks around. No one is here to stop him, and he sits down on the bench.

Stiles smiles to himself as he starts to play, a song from his childhood, and he closes his eyes as he gets into the music. He can't believe that he can play it by memory, it's been years since he's played, and he hums to himself to keep up the melody. "You play beautifully." Stiles hears, and he slams on the keys in surprise as he makes an undignified "najaja" sound. He turns his head to a man, a really handsome man that's his age or maybe a few years younger, with dark hair and in nice clothes. He has his head turned to the side, his lips quirked in amusement, and he walks closer to him. "I'm Derek. You must be Stiles." Derek says, and Stiles looks at him in surprise while he nods his head.

"Yes, that is me." Stiles says, holding out his hand with a smile. Derek smiles at him as he shakes it, and this is going a lot before than Stiles could have hoped. "I'm assuming that it's time for dinner?" Stiles asks him, and Derek nods his head as he looks at him.


Stiles is stealing glances at Derek while he eats, Derek is so handsome and he's smart as a whip when he talks, and he wants to say something smart to him. "So, John. I assume that this is to your liking." Talia says, and Stiles isn't sure what she's talking about but his father nods his head while he looks at him. "Good, then the wedding will be in two weeks." Talia says, and Stiles coughs while Derek looks perfectly calm on the matter. Maybe he's already just accepted this, Stiles is hoping that since he's met Stiles that he's seen that Stiles is a good man, and Stiles looks at her. Talia raises a perfectly plucked eyebrow at him, and Stiles is scared in silence. He wants to make a comment that he doesn't even have a ring for Derek yet, but he doesn't think it matters.

Sterek One-Shots:Book Two (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now