Comic Books

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This was requested by Becuz_Bruh. I'm really behind on the requests, so please be patient with me. I'm only human. 


        Stiles isn't a nerd, he really isn't. Sure he can speak Elvish and he has a signed copy of the The Lion, The Witch, and Wardrobe that he found in a used book store that didn't make him squeal in happiness (No, it didn't, shut up Scott). Maybe he does get a little pissed off when lacrosse practice runs late making him miss Doctor Who repeats, but he isn't a nerd.

If, huge if here, if Stiles is a nerd, he's a cool nerd. He's one of those nerds that girls chase after because they have someone to read fan fiction with, so he's a cool nerd. He hides it well, doesn't want everyone to know how big a nerd he is, and it works well for him. He's a likable guy, everyone likes him, and he gets along with everyone.

Stiles likes his life, likes his fandoms and his geek stuff, and he loves lacrosse. He's not the best player on the field, it's not Jackson either despite what he likes to say to the team, but he likes to play all the same. His father likes to watch him play, and Stiles likes that it's something that they can share. With all that being said, Stiles still likes his Star Wars.

No matter how many times he tries to convince Scott to watch it with him, his friend just doesn't seem to answer him. It's a lonely life to be so obsessed with something that no one else to share it with, and Stiles wishes someone would like any of his shows with him. The one time that he tried to watch Sherlock with Jackson, his friend kept saying how he could be Sherlock Holmes if he wanted before saying how much he wanted to bang Irene so Stiles doesn't invite him over anymore.

“Stiles, you need to clean this junk up before you go out.” John says, and Stiles gives him an indignant look before sitting up on his bed. Sure, his stuff is spread out everywhere but he was looking for something.

“Dad, it's not junk. It's my collectibles!” Stiles argues while he takes in his room. His collectible Game of Thrones figurines are all over the floor, he was trying to find his Jon Snow one, so he had to dig through everything to find it. He did eventually but he got distracted with his comic books, so he understands the mess. John makes a disapproving noise as he climbs through the clutter towards Stiles.

“It's making your room a tripping hazard, son. How guilty would you feel if I fell and broke something?” John asks, and Stiles gives him an innocent look.

“Well, you shouldn't be in my room anyway.” Stiles points out, and John gives him a dirty look while he goes towards the door. “I'm up, and I'll clean it up after school.” Stiles promises, and John rolls his eyes fondly as he goes to get himself some coffee downstairs.

“Then I expect to be cleaned by the time I get home from work.” John tells him, sternly. Stiles salutes him quickly before moving to get ready for school. He has lacrosse practice after school which gives him only a few hours to clean his mess of a room. Maybe he can talk Scott or Jackson into helping him, probably not Jackson but he can always try, and he hopes that his father isn't going to inspect his room.

Stiles gathers all of his lacrosse gear before making is way to his Jeep, and he heads towards the McCall's to pick up his friend before heading towards school.


Stiles is friends with everyone on the lacrosse team, though he's friends with Jackson reluctantly, except one person. Derek Hale doesn't have friends, Stiles smiles to himself while he quotes Sherlock to himself making Scott thump him on his nose, well that's not true he has an Isaac. Stiles laughs out loud at that, making Scott kick the back of his shin, and he shushes himself. Coach gives them an annoyed look before he keeps talking, and Stiles muffles his laughter into Jackson's shoulder. “Would you get it together, Stilinski?” Coach yells, and Stiles pinches his lips together to hush himself up. (He losses it later when he sees Isaac getting dressed in a soft looking sweater, and he feels bad because Isaac's cheeks turn pink making Stiles hope he doesn't think that he was making fun of him.)

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