The Tower (Mature Content)

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This Rapunzel!AU was requested by loverofthewerewolfs and that_adrenaline and it has *excited squeal* BOTTOM!DEREK. ENJOY, STALERS. Oh, and if you want to read a really good Tangled!AU my friend thefiresfromheaven has a way better one than this one so you should all read it. 


Derek sighs to himself as he moves to sit on the windowsill, and he stares out at the kingdom. The only way in and out of the tower is through this window, and it's so high up that if Derek ever fell he would surely die. It's boring during the day, and during the night but at least Derek can see the stars at night so that amuses him some. Derek knows that he's being kept here for his own protection, but that doesn't mean he likes it.

"Derek! Let down the vine!" Derek hears and he sighs before he gets the vine made out of wolf's bane. It burns his hands, leaving wounds for hours until he heals, but it's the only way to get Deaton back into the tower. Derek hisses softly to himself as Deaton climbs up and his hands burn the second he touched the awful plant.

"I'm coming, Deaton!" Derek says, and he flinches violently when the vine cuts his hands some but he doesn't cry out. When Deaton is finally with him, Derek puts his hands behind him since Deaton doesn't like to see his hands after, and Derek smiles at him. "How was your trip?" Derek asks, and Deaton hums as he moves around the room to take off his coat after he puts his things down. "Did you bring me anything?" Derek asks him, and Deaton chuckles fondly as he moves to get a book out of his bag.

"I got you a new story book." Deaton tells him, and Derek smiles widely as he takes it from him. It hurts his hands to touch, but he's excited so he's able to push that thought out of his head while he flips through it. "I know that you have a birthday coming up, and I was curious as to what you want." Deaton asks, and Derek smiles as he thinks to himself.

"I want to hear the wolves howl. Every year on my birthday when the moon rises in the sky, I hear them. I want to be able to find them, maybe I know them. Maybe they know me." Derek practically begs, and Deaton's face turns from calm to annoyed in a second. Derek instantly regrets it because he knows all that Deaton has done for him, but that doesn't stop him from asking. He hates it here, but he loves Deaton and all that he's done for him so he doesn't want to sound ungrateful for all he's done for him.

"Derek.What did I tell you about what's beyond this tower?" Deaton says,his voice soft but threatening that makes Derek want to wince but he doesn't say anything else at the moment. "There are hunters,murderers, and things that could kill you without much effort."Deaton tells him, and Derek sighs as he nods his head while he moves to go to his room. "I'm just looking out for you, Derek." Deaton tells him, and Derek sighs as he nods his head.

"I know. I'm sorry, Deaton." Derek says, sadly. "I'm going to lay down, okay?" Derek says, and Deaton nods his head while he moves to walk towards the small room that his and he moves to lay down on his bed. He hates it here, but it's all he knows so he doesn't say anything.


"Goodbye,Deaton. Have a good day." Derek says, and he waves before he moves to wrap his hand up in a bandage. Derek sniffs to himself once before he moves to try to focus on his hands healing, and he sighs when they slowly knit together. His hands are scarred and ugly, he hates looking at them, and he doesn't think anything as he moves to lookout when he hears something.

"And how are you today, my hidden treasure?" Derek hears and he smiles widely as he moves to look down the tower at the one think that makes his life worth living in his personal opinion. Derek looks at the gorgeous smiling young man that's standing by the tower. He has to yell, but there's no one around to hear him so Derek doesn't mind."Well?" He asks, and Derek lounges on the windowsill as he looks down at him.

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